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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Was it you who found @'eavensabove's feet?
  2. Have you got that new Nikon?
  3. You can fuck off .. all I want to know is whether Frank is with you and if so if he is OK. You can tell him that I have blocked that dopey cunt @'eavensabove
  4. Miles

    Selfie Deaths

    He said this uncle was from his mother's side of the family and 18 years older than his mother. She would never talk about it and all knew for years was that he had fallen off a building. He siad his mother died when he was in his 20s and it was after that he asked his father what had happened and when his father told him about the photo he said he could not stop laughing.
  5. Miles

    Selfie Deaths

    Nothing new about "selfie deaths". A neighbour told me about an uncle of his who died 80 years years ago. He was on top of a flat roofed building and had set his ensign camera up on a tripod with a wind up self timer adapter attached to it and then stood in front of the camera and stepped back to make sure that he was in view and tripped .. he said that the film was developed and the shot showed his legs sticking up above the edge of the building as he fell head first to his death.
  6. I thought that I had seen you somewhere before .. that sleezy hotel room that you took me back to, what did you put in my drink? I am off to the rozzers #metoo.
  7. Miles

    Selfie Deaths

    A study newly published by the US National Library of Medicine NIH sheds light on deaths that occurred while taking selfies. The team behind the study found a total of 259 selfie-related fatalities had occurred between October 2011 and November 2017 from a total of 137 incidents around the globe. Risky behavior is cited as the primary cause of these tragedies. https://www.dpreview.com/news/4969100774/study-shed-lights-on-selfie-deaths-from-around-the-world
  8. I now live in Devun Panz and the place is now filled wiv Grockles 'n Voreners.
  9. Doesn't your best mate owe 50 euros to a prossie from Berlin?
  10. Are you sure that he can afford to be a member of our club?
  11. You should give him some credit .. after all his local SPAR shop always gives him £5 credit until his JSA payment comes through.
  12. I do know where the nearest railway station is Jewdass but I don't not have the foggiest idea when the next train is.
  13. Trauma counselling became a thing on the railway in the early 1990s. Prior to that if you were involved in a fatality you would simply be asked if you are ok or if you wanted to be relieved and go home for the rest of the day and that was it. Come the early 1990s and cunts were trained to trauma counsel people straight after the incident and talk through what had happened and how it had affected them. That's when all the trouble started, people no longer able to put things in a little packet in the back of their minds .. in some cases drivers who had, had previous fatalities without problems ended up packing the job in because of the trauma created by these trauma counselors making them talk through everything.
  14. Odd that you should mention "phone ins" as I am currently writing a book titled "My Struggle Against Making Traumatic Phone Ins" .. It goes on to the shelves on 31st November.
  15. It is also very profitable for drugs companies and a good earner for "therapists" .. the trouble is that a lot of the so called mental health conditions are simply a perfectly normal part of the human condition. Perfectly normal "mood swings" will be diagnosed as "bi-polar disorder" and drugs prescribed. Someone's parent or grandparent will die and all of a sudden their perfectly normal grieving will become "post traumatic stress disorder" and drugs or therapy will be prescribed. The therapy racket in particular is especially dangerous with people being made to talk through "traumatic events" that are part and parcel of life and for which the mind has efficient ways of dealing with .. the end result of this "therapy" being that it itself actually creates the so called "post traumatic stress".
  16. Isn't this insulting to people who are a disgrace?
  17. A couple of questions for you Jewdass. .. 1) I know a jewish lady who has a prominent "hooked" nose. I am 25% jewish so why isn't my nose even slightly "hooked"? .. 2) Why do I like bacon so much in spite of my "jewish "heritage" ?
  18. Miles


    You tell 'em Tiger!
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