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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    this morning

    Somewhere on youtube there is a video that shows that the technology to make the "fake" moon landing films was not available until the early 1980s .. that my neighbour says is further proof that they could not have done the moon landing in 1969 .. you cannot win with these fruit cakes.
  2. Miles

    this morning

    One of my neighbours says that the Americans never went to the moon because they didn't have the technology to get them there in 1969 .. quite right I said and the RAF never dropped a bomb on Germany because they could never have got there on the technology of the 1940s.
  3. Miles

    this morning

    Is this you Panz?
  4. Miles

    Sir Craig Mackey

    I have seen photos of Sir Craig and he has a nice warm smile.
  5. Mr J.G. Reeder .. he had real class.
  6. Miles

    Autism Hour

    Couldn't you arrange for DrCunt to hear a "swish" as you swing a golf club and bash his brains out?
  7. Is this a self define "elite" and is the claret self defined lemonade?
  8. Stick your jam sponge up your arse.
  9. Miles

    Patisserie Valerie.

    Some cunt walked off with £20million from this overpriced puffs cake shop an cafe
  10. Does anyone still like fairy cakes?
  11. I am now at Cheltenham @stubby Pecker
  12. Miles

    Sir Craig Mackey

    The little bit I know of these fruitcake is that the matter of death and the "send off" is vital for them .. break that ritual and let them know that they will be denied that ritual and salvation and a large proportion of them will be convinced that they will not go to "paradise" .. this is something that the Soviets realised and something that the Chines government realises and applies.
  13. Deny him access to his god .. call him Andy .. most important of all, remove all religion from prisons.
  14. Miles

    Sir Craig Mackey

    For some reason they keep getting the name of the attacker wrong. His name was Adrian Russel Elms .. not Khalid Massood. It is time that we ended this bollocks of giving these criminals the dignity of these islamic names .. incarcerate, bury or cremate them using their birth names.
  15. Miles

    Sir Craig Mackey

  16. Miles

    Sir Craig Mackey

    "Here comes the policeman,the big friendly policeman,P.C McKay No.452. Lost a key,cat up a tree,baby lost a shoe ? Get fucked I ain't got any protection"
  17. I don't trust the cygnals that you are making.
  18. Do you have a 'swan neck'?
  19. Miles

    Sir Craig Mackey

    You are out of touch .. the police service now only want graduates .. these people don't want to be out on the streets meeting the plebs or working outside office hours .. they are fighting crime behind computer screens from 9AM to 5PM.
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