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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Spacker John Bercow

    Because I was pushing someone else under it.
  2. Miles

    Spacker John Bercow

    Judge .. did I ever tell you about the day back in 1968 that I saw D207 tear past Crewe North Junction bound for Holyhead with 13 behind? .. it was about a week off overhaul at Crewe Works.
  3. Miles

    Shit in our food.

    She also seems to be taller than her husband.
  4. Miles

    Shit in our food.

    Not at Latton Meadows please as it might wipe out the Snakes Head Fritillarys.
  5. Miles

    Shit in our food.

    You have got the scientific background to take it further .. and Scotty can do the "clinical" bit.
  6. Miles

    Shit in our food.

    We actually eat shit every day of our lives. The farmer spreads it on his fields. The market gardener and vegetable gardener uses it and it goes into the plants that we eat and also indirectly into the animals that we eat. Mongo .. why don't you fuck off and get a life?
  7. He's a freegan and he rummages in the bins behind his local M&S foodhall.
  8. Bearing in mind the OP it is actually a reasonable nom. Many of the places on these apps have a zero hygiene rating.
  9. Is this the royal "we"?
  10. Miles

    Shit in our food.

    @'eavensabove.. shut the fuck up!
  11. Miles

    Shit in our food.

    Thankfully other than the sidebar I only see 'eavens in quotes, if only the ignored users could also be hidden from the sidebar.
  12. Miles


    Dec's be honest about this .. have you ever been legless in Norwich?
  13. What has Subscriber Trunk Dialling got to do with it you fruitcake?
  14. Miles

    eruv hazerot

    Eruv is a wire strung about 10ft above ground level between posts in areas where ultra orthodox jews live. It marks a boundary within which on the sabbath they can carry, among other things, house keys, tissues, medication, or babies with them, and to use strollers and canes. The presence or absence of an eruv thus especially affects the lives of strictly observant Jews with limited mobility and those responsible for taking care of babies and young children. Such wires were put up in Clapton, London and the other locals objected and as a result the wires were removed by the council. This of course now forces many jews to remain within their own homes during the sabbath. Having read about this and the rules these people live by I checked the calender and confirmed that the year is 2018 and that it is some 49 years since the yanks sent men to the moon and returned them safely to earth. I then re read all this bollocks to check whether or not these people are adults and not playing some childish playground and in fact confirmed (fuck off judge) that these dopey cunts are indeed adults who lives are being controlled by something that belongs in a school playground. Unlike Bludge's mate the ratfuerer I am not anti semitic and indeed I am about 25% jewish (shalom) however I fail to see why in the 21st century any respect should be given or granted to these or any other religious zealots .. my message to them is grow up and get a fucking life you childish twats.
  15. Having read what the witless mong is posting about .. the lady was 60 and had a son so the "gene pool" observation was irrelevant. I also expect that she was able to spell simple words correctly but was just very unfortunate.
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