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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Hain is a cunt .. I had old Beardie hung drawn and quartered for this.
  2. Miles

    Geoff Thompson

    So am I a remoaner?
  3. Miles

    Geoff Thompson

    We should screw them for £3trillion for that alone.
  4. Miles


    Less of this nonsense Panzer .. what do you really think about the UK leaving the EU?
  5. Miles

    Geoff Thompson

    Two years 34 million cunts voted in a referendum .. 95% of those cunts no matter which way they voted did not know what they were actually voting about. I have little doubt that you were one of the 95%
  6. Miles

    Emily Dawes

  7. Miles

    Emily Dawes

    Ivan Morris Poxton Editor 2018-19 | International Editor 2017/18. Final year Modern History and Politics student from Bedford. Drinks far too much tea for his own good.
  8. Miles

    Geoff Thompson

    I am all in favour .. we should be seeking compensation from the Italians for the Roman invasion and from France for the Norman invasions .. and also don't forget the fucking Danes for the Viking invasions.
  9. Perhaps the speeding motorists who have been caught should be forced to pick up leaves on roads through villages that they think that it is safe to ignore the speed limits on.
  10. But you do get chaps on your lips though .. is one of the "chaps" Punkape?
  11. @judgetwi Any thoughts on this nomination?
  12. Miles

    Michael Caine

    In! Out! Shake it all about!
  13. Wither's. Am I correct in thinking that you are a "lightweight"?
  14. Miles

    Plain lazy cunts

    I have got one of those shopping trolleys that climbs stairs .. an absolute menace it is, I turned my back on it in Primark and off it went all the way to the third floor.
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