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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Dec's went feral several weeks ago.
  2. Miles

    The Irish KKK

    On December 1, 1990, British construction worker Graham Fagg and his French counterpart, Philippe Cozette, each with an air spade, drilled through the final piece of rock which stood between them. Once the hole grew big enough, Cozette poked his head through to a frenzy of photographers, reporters, and a small handful of privileged spectators. Fagg repeated Cozette's actions to the French side. News soon spread across the world. The United Kingdom and France were now linked for the first time in 8,000 years.
  3. Miles

    The Irish KKK

    Much more likely to be Scots paddy cunts.
  4. Miles

    The Irish KKK

    I know that Panzy ain't in Northern Oyland but does that matter to the feinian cunt? and Judge mind your own business and get fucked.
  5. Was he carrying a golf club and wearing plus fours?
  6. Miles

    The Irish KKK

    Don't mention "chubbies" when Punker's is around.
  7. Miles

    The Irish KKK

    What about these cunts @Panzerknacker? https://www.rte.ie/news/ulster/2018/1029/1007376-kkk/
  8. Miles

    Philip Hammond

    I forgot to mention 50007.
  9. Miles

    Sajid Javid.

    @'eavensabove and @Monumental cunt can you two provide evidence that either of you have actually thought about what you have posted in these comments rather than both of you being stereotypical examples of an AI program that is simply spinning out words and names totally at random?
  10. You and @Lord Punkape are buggared.
  11. What are your thoughts about Bathsheba?
  12. With an additional cargo of "harmless" bacon fat.
  13. The same should also be said of "kosher" slaughter .. perhaps 150 years ago it was the most humame method, but in an age where electrical devises can be used to reduce an animals brain to a @Lord Punkape @Wolfie @Wizardsleeve state almost instantly there is no excuse for such methods to be used.
  14. Christians are spreading the word in Africa. Just because some cunts say's that some other cunt is spreading the word does not mean that they themselves are believers! .. you are not very good at this are you Lupo?
  15. She could have bought a woolen scarf from Poundland and saved all this religious conversion nonsense .. my view is that Christians, Muslims and Jews should all be fed to the lions.
  16. The most pathetic conversion of all had to be Cat Stevens .. Morning Has Broken fuckwit.
  17. This twice bankrupt cunt seems to have been forgotten. He paid £1 to Greasy Green for BHS and got £10million to go with it.Then three months later he extracted £1.7million from the company and later extracted anoth £1million and then used another £1.5million to settle the mortgage debt on his parents home the cunt then put BHS into liquidation leaving several thousand people out of a job and with reduced pensions. Currently the cunt claims to have “no funds”, and claimed he had extensive outgoings, of almost £9,000 per month made up of: £3,800 a month rent on a Dorset mansion; £2,666 a month leasing a 2017-plate Range Rover; and £2,500 a month school fees for his two children, aged eight and 12, on which he was in arrears. A total cunt .. He was educated at Millfields School in Somerset .. @Lord Punkape .. your views on this privately educated twat and also on the £2,666 a month fee for leasing a 17plate Range Rover.
  18. He and the others are jealous because they haven't got a chopper between them.
  19. Reported for suggestions of beastiality
  20. You need to visit your local wimmins collective to hear the pure bullshit said about how the full face veil 👰 is liberating and helps to escape unwanted attention from men. The funny thing is that the stupid hypocritical bitches never get round to wearing one.
  21. God uses an ex Post Office Morris 1000 van.
  22. Not always correct .. happened to a workmate about 10 years ago .. her hubby went through the roof, she had a check done and he was the father .. turned out that the relevant genes were on her husband's side.
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