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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Freight trains.

    @Earl Albert of Ross have a look here and you might find what you are looking for, do not ask further as I am not interested in the subject https://www.opentraintimes.com/schedules
  2. You missed out drug addicts .. surely you would wish to be represented?
  3. You might not prophet from this comment.
  4. Miles

    People Who Grass

    Jason Dec's has been crawling up platform ramps again,
  5. Miles

    People Who Grass

    You got any ideas on what has caused Jason Dec's to go feral Tim?
  6. Miles

    Grenfell Tower

    You trying to say he's 'armless?
  7. Any thoughts on the US Mid Terms Jason?
  8. I don't agree with a lot of what you say but you are right in placing your "faith" in facts .. The trouble with looking beyond facts is that you find evil where there is no evil, good where there is no good and truth where there is no truth.
  9. Miles

    Grenfell Tower

    As ever the true crime is not the crime itself but being or allowing yourself to get caught.
  10. https://www.rte.ie/news/2018/1107/1009164-esri_migrants/ What about this @Panzerknacker and 17% of people in Oyland not even born there. "The study says that Ireland is one of the most diverse countries in the EU with 17% of people born elsewhere. In 2017, more than 8,000 immigrants became Irish citizens, many of them originally from Poland, Romania or India. "
  11. Sinéad Marie Bernadette O'Connor is her name.
  12. Miles

    Grenfell Tower

    A bit like some of the homeless "forces vets" begging on the streets.
  13. Miles


    In your case Wither's shutting the fuck up would improve things.
  14. Miles

    Grenfell Tower

    Apart from our teenaged and young adult years we never had those "rights", those "rights" arrived via anonymous internet forums where keyboard warriors hid away behind the doors of their hovel started to post complete and utter bollocks safe in the knowledge that few people knew who they were but that someone would read what they had posted. Step out into the real world and those "rights" were never there.
  15. Miles


    More cuntery https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06qmrfw?intc_type=singletheme&intc_location=bbctwo&intc_campaign=louistheroux&intc_linkname=vidclip_throuple_contentcard2
  16. Miles

    Grenfell Tower

    Sorry I meant "surfer" .. its something that homosexual leaning chavs do.
  17. Miles

    Grenfell Tower

    And you are a serf.
  18. There are said to be 1,000 of them in Dublin alone .. surely these are an essential means of transport in a third world country like the ROI? https://www.rte.ie/news/2018/1106/1008890-cabinet/
  19. Miles

    Grenfell Tower

    It does not need just to be an accessible area, it can also be an offence if the act takes place somewhere that is visible to others. Someone "flashing" in his own garden or at the windows of his house could be prosecuted under that law. If the bonfire in this case was visible to people outside the property and who might be offended by it would also be covered by the act. In this case though the thing that is most likely to bring a prosecution is the fact that they have posted the video on line. What will also be a factor in any decision to prosecute is that four of the five were actually middle-aged adults rather than teenagers or young adults.
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