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Everything posted by Miles

  1. I wish that some cunt would ram you.
  2. What about grown up cunts on BMX bikes?
  3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-46361999 It is worth reading this @Panzerknacker and getting past the guff. The effect of what has happened since we joined the EU is significant in many areas where employment opportunities are limited. The formerly large UK based fishing fleets processed their catches within the UK for every fisherman on those boats there about 25 people on land in the UK processing and otherwise dealing with those catches. There are still lage numbers of UK flagged vessels, the problem is that most of them are crewed by Dutch and other none UK Nationals and the catch is landed and processed away from the UK and in many cases then sold back to the UK .. a totally preposterous arrangement.
  4. Panz babe .. I am a European but, I think that the EU is a load of tosh.
  5. TBH I do wonder whether @Panzerknacker lives nearer to Holyhead than he does to Dublin.
  6. You have a clutch bag Stubby?
  7. Have a read of this @Panzerknacker Should the Tea Shock do as SF suggests and put members of his own party up for election in Northern Island? "In response to the Taoiseach’s comments, Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald has said the party is the largest nationalist party in the north and has no intention of abandoning its mandate. "The reality is that the people of 'those constituencies' have already spoken and they chose abstentionist Sinn Féin MPs," Ms McDonald said in a statement. The Sinn Féin leader said the Taoiseach "needs to catch himself on". She added that if the Taoiseach and his party think Irish politicians should take seats in British Parliament, they should seek a mandate for that by standing candidates in northern elections, adding that they should stop "hurling from the ditch"." https://www.rte.ie/news/2018/1126/1013318-may-brexit-uk-parliament/
  8. Its how Gavin "Punkape" gets around Bramhall.
  9. In a way I can see it from his point of view. The ROI and his lifestyle are funded by EU "handouts", what he does not comprehend is where those funds from the EU come from. The reality is that they are simply cycled from the UK's contributions via the EU and then to the ROI. The same applies in Scotland and other ares of the UK such as Wales and the west of England where the funds handed out appear to come from the EU but are simply a small part of the UK's contributions recycled back the the UK. As in the ROi and elsewhere what the local thiickoes see is money handed out by the EU rather a simpler process of the UK government sending the funds directly to the relevant parts of the UK. What happens of course is that the local thickoes see the EU (which of course has stripped off its "share" of the money) as good whilst they see the UK government (from where the funds came in the first place) as bad and cruel. It is of course not quite as simple as that but things are generally loaded so that people see the magical words "EU Funded" on almost very local improvement.
  10. Our arse has been kicked by Europe for 40 years and we can see the results all too well. Dutch owned fishing vessels catching fish in UK waters, taking the fish back to Holland to be processed and then selling the fish back to the UK is just one example.
  11. A lot of fuckwits who voted leave thought that they were also voting out of the council of Europe and the European court of human rights rulings .. they are are going to be disappointed.
  12. Finger spacing .. never heard of it .. did you attend a "special" ysgol?
  13. Miles

    Theresa May

    I am a leaver Duedith, I voted leave and am happy that I did so.
  14. Miles

    Theresa May

    Regardless of whether we are remoaners or brexiteers there is going to have to be a massive compromise, it will take many years to unravel things.
  15. Sexual intercourse (or coitus or copulation) is the insertion and thrusting of the penis, usually when erect, into the vagina. It is not a male penis up the anal passage of another male or a female munching an "axminster" whilst being fingered by another female. I wish that the BBC and others would get this right. It is not possible for a man to have sexual intercourse or any other form of sex with another man.
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