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Everything posted by Miles

  1. This won't be @eavens's own work as he would have used the spelling "LIRICKS".
  2. Miles


    Very feeble response Stubby .. you need to try harder.
  3. Miles


    Weak response Stubby .. very, very weak response.
  4. Be gentle with him Frank .. I've just sold him two weeks over Christmas in Dec's beach hut at Bardney
  5. But at least they are elected fuckwits rather than unelected fuckwits.
  6. Fuck off and mind your own business.
  7. @Panzerknacker I have read everything you have said here and from it what you actually want is for the Irish Republic to once again become part of what is now called the United Kingdom. Before you question that, you have made it clear that you want a United Europe with a European government and all that entails which also include the offshore island that presently form the United Kingdom and the Irish Republic, for obvious reason any mainland European government will see these islands as one and the same and what form their existing governments and regional assemblies will simply function as nothing more than council chambers. By implication this will make you Irish, therefore British and of course European .. You cannot have it both ways. Ireland cannot be an independent country within the European Union.
  8. Miles


    A lot of assumptions are being made about the attitude of the young to the EU and perhaps the remoaners hope that enough of the old cunts who voted leave have either died off or won't vote in the second referendum and that the young new voters and ones who did not vote last will vote this time and be remainers .. in that I suspect that they might be disappointed as I am finding a surprising number of young people that I know (under 25 year olds) are actually leavers and what their main problem with the EU and free movement is that of having to compete for jobs with immigrants.
  9. Miles


    None of your business as you ain't British.
  10. Miles


    Brussels sprouts with Christmas dinner at your place Panz?
  11. Miles

    HARD Brexit

    We are blocking the bridges over the Menai Straits so that's you lot fucked.
  12. We don't have these issues in Methodism.
  13. Miles


    Swivel on it peasant.
  14. Just imagine if he was sitting on a scoter instead of a scooter. Would you duck for cover?
  15. There should be special place for the cunts with mobility scooters who use them to take their dogs for walkies and also for the 30 stone monster from Exeter who makes her little lad run alongside her as she speeds along on her mobility scooter.
  16. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/11747759/If-you-can-walk-do-you-need-a-mobility-scooter.html
  17. Come on @EreptileDysfunction don't take this lying down!
  18. Do you have any thoughts on this @Lord Punkape?
  19. No you are wrong .. I am now all powerful.
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