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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Nope .. "railroad is common term used by railway employees.
  2. You are not @Earl of Punkape's alto ego are you?
  3. 'Biblical company' In a WhatsApp group, she compared her situation to that of Jesus Christ after his conviction. As first reported in The Times, Onasanya wrote she was "in biblical company along with Joseph, Moses, Daniel and his three Hebrew friends, who were each found guilty by the courts of their day". She went on to say "their greatest days of impact were on the other side of a guilty verdict" and added "of course this is equally true of Christ... and yet this was not his end but rather the beginning of the next chapter in his story".
  4. You are 15 years out of date on that Bollo Mong .. I left the railroad 16 years ago and my pay was twice the then minimum wage plus bonuses.
  5. No, the rest of it is wood like a Triumph Dolomite.
  6. I've had both of them done.
  7. What are your thoughts about cunts who have plastic lenses put in their eye balls?
  8. Miles


    Admit it. Tim has run rings around you. You are finished here.
  9. Miles


    Thank you I will read and mark your paper later. I have come to the conclusion that Decs is probably totally illiterate.
  10. You've also now got Wiz clinging to you like a horse tick.
  11. No .. I am not confusing you with anything, just pointing out that Poles are much more useful than Germans.
  12. In a real life combat situation they would fall at the first hurdle. I know a few people who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. As one said the last thing you need is a fanatic as they tend to be too slow. In close combat you need to take out or disable your enemy within 5 seconds which means having the upper hand within three seconds, anything longer and you are probably dead.
  13. I won't disagree about the hard working poles but you do need to get up to speed on the realities of world war two .. in Nazi Germany 95% of the hard work and making of munitions was done by slaves. Women stayed at home whilst the men became either soldiers or parts of the nazi elite designing super weapons or doing highly specialised but essential jobs for the fuerer. In the UK Men either called up or working hard in essential jobs .. women working hard 14 hour (but paid shifts) making munitions or doing unskilled jobs. Much the same happening today, Turks and poles doing the hard work in German factories supervised by Germans. "Industrious Germans" don't kid yourselves.
  14. I'm 5' 5", three feet taller than you I know but I can live with that .. do you have unusually "pointy" ears?
  15. So you are admitting that you are a dwarf .. are you working as an elf in Santa's grotto?
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