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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    The NHS

    What about cunts from Talacre and Llangollen?
  2. So you've got yet another hangover after a pint of bitter shandy Wiz? 😉
  3. You don't have fat cunts on Merseyside. They need to be able to run like fuck after they've nicked their ciggies and booze from the late shop.
  4. I'm in Lichfield now @Decimus & @Stubby Pecker what do you think of that? 😉
  5. Reported for hints of beastiality and breach of Christian decency that will offend the sky fairy
  6. So you've watched David Attenborough eat warthog on the telly? Are you Dumblebore?
  7. You actually mean that you have watched Dan Cruikshank eat it on TV 🙄🤔😂
  8. I bet that it's not as big as your mouth 😂
  9. @Earl of Punkape is there such thing as "gerbil tourism"?
  10. Get fucked you are finished here webley.
  11. Ah Toxteth.. Gay Cavelier pub a pint and a smack in the chops.
  12. Isn't he being fed Michael Schumacher style. Where will the deathbed bulletins come from?
  13. I am in Ludlow, not seen anything like this in a while. Every other cunt at least 90 and walking doubled up on a walking frame It needs a visit from reaper.
  14. Miles

    Men Who Beat Women

    Your attention please! The next public station stop will be Wem.
  15. I reckon that dogs should be on the fucking menu.
  16. I am not against the EU. In the context of the original members of the Steel and Coal Community it was and still is a good thing and has helped to preserve the peace. In the context of the UK is is a good thing just as long as we are not a member of it. We are a fairly large offshore island and our interests are different than mainland Europe.
  17. Fucking hell, the anger the anger about fuck all, the yank accent .. that's @Wizardsleeve ! 🤣
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