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Everything posted by Miles

  1. @Decimus has been ripped about by a drizzly, and by grizzly I do not mean a bear.
  2. Cyril Smith's mother was a big fat cow and Cyril Smith was a big fat cunt.
  3. One of my neighbours said that he saw Yoko Ono close up with John Lennon in 1969 and that she looked like a fucking old bag back then.
  4. Cyril Smith was from a single parent family and he did ok .. err wait a minete.
  5. All very good but the ones that they do execute do not kill anyone else .. surely instead of faffing about they could just hang them or give the "Young Fred Shipman" doses of morphine .. it would also save loadsa money.
  6. What causes his anger attacks?
  7. Good Morning Bilious
  8. PC world is dead and I use LINUX are you a nerd in one of the LUG groups?
  9. That does not mean anything, there is nothing in your brain.
  10. A signed note from the priest who took the service.
  11. It might have been with good intentions in that they would have drowned with their own kind. Has to the user of ties .. couldn't they just tie him up and leave him out in the sun for a few hours until he is a similar colour to the children instead of all this woke nonsense
  12. You forgot the Cherokee Half Breed and Wot Pole .. he would have loved the Wot Pole.
  13. One old scroat I remember said that he had worked for one of the religious owned insurance societies back in the 1930s and one condition of his employment was that he. his wife and children must attend a church or chapel service at least once every Sunday and provide proof that they had done so.
  14. I am fucked then as I have visited Norfolk several times
  15. He has life sized photos of Alvar Lidell and Jack De'Manio on his bedroom wall.
  16. Here's one for you @PANZER MURPHY .. he sounds like a good copper. https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2024/0305/1436129-garda/
  17. Lets hang a few of the nastiest cunts including the mental serial killers regardless of whether they have been found guilty of murder/manslaughter or not .. in the case of the mental cunts if should be based on whether have been proven to have killed someone.
  18. Miles

    Sleepy Joe Biden

    Thank you for letting us know that you are a US citizen. The main all UK political parties are conservative, Labour, Libdem and the various Farage offshoots. The republics and democrats are political parties in the US of A. Do you live with @peglegtwo?
  19. Miles

    Sleepy Joe Biden

    The Donald is more likely to got rogue and ignore the advisors and push his way to the button and of course release the fuckwits who invaded congress when he lost the last election.
  20. There was claim that she would be at the trooping of the colours but it seems that MOD has issued a statement that she will NOT be at the trooping the colours.
  21. Miles

    Sleepy Joe Biden

    The death penalty is decided on a state by state basis, that will not change .. many republicans (some die hard right wing ones too) are opposed to the death penalty. In some ways in the states regardless of whether the convict has been sentenced to death or not the actually penalty is in fact the same as "rot in hell". But what makes you think that I am opposed to the death penalty?
  22. Miles

    Sleepy Joe Biden

    Yes I would trust him to drive my grandchildren to school (if I had any grandchildren that is) but that is not relevant .. There are many competent people who cannot drive a car and many incompetent fuckwits who have passed their driving test first time who I would not trust to tie their own shoelaces, plus whether or not he is fit to be president id not relevant to whether Trump is fit to be president.
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