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Everything posted by Miles

  1. I've been been listening to "All God's Children need travelling shoes".
  2. It's called survival of the fittest you little fool.
  3. Is Guisborough pronounced Geezborough? If so it should be destroyed.
  4. Why should he do all that traveling when he could do the same at Manchester Airport?
  5. I spoke to him on the bus to St Marychurch this afternoon.
  6. You are done .. I can't wait until Stubby is back from his Shrub Jays to finish you off.
  7. Alf .. I have been looking at that avatar that you are using .. are you an adult?
  8. He was, he also invented the Milton Keynes sterilisation process.
  9. @Decimus essential reading 📖 may I recommend The Bluffers Guide To Brexit & The Bluffers Guide To The EU.
  10. So how come we are in the EU but not performing at their level .. could it be that what is good for them is not good for us?
  11. You still miss the point .. The UK's market share might shrink but that is not usually a negative for the majority of people as the super rich siphon off the benefits, what really matters is proportion that reaches the ordinary people and what the actual size of that proportion is, usually it is the middling and more self contained and less greedy economies where the overall population is better off.
  12. Neither do I .. Is Alfie home alone?
  13. Decs "Iron" is my badge of honour .. you need to up your game Alfie.
  14. Would you like to look at a picture of my fanny?
  15. I am not against what the EU actually started life as, which was a trading bloc consisting of France, Germany, Italy, Belgium and Holland. As it stood them it was a good thing and a force for peace. However the UK was and is not relevant to that and De Gaulle understood that and quite reasonably blocked us joining it. We should have left it at that. It is not about "little Englanders whatever, it is about us not being compatible. The industrial strife was not just a "British Disease", it also equally badly affected and Italy who all (unlike Germany) had basically indiginous workforces in their factories our situation was compounded by us also having a large coal industry. @Alfie Noakes how do you know how those extra young voters would vote in a second referendum? .. Are you simply speaking for them without asking them first? Sarcasm is not your strong point.
  16. Have you been to the toilet yet?
  17. It is good to see that the Metropolitan Police say that they are going to do something about the Brexiteers who have been harassing pro remain MPs. I do also assume that they will also be doing the same to the various bollocks to brexit and other remainer fruitcakes who take it on themselves to harass and otherwise insult leave supporters.
  18. Miles

    The Interabled

    Have you ever been touched by Jesus Eric?
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