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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles


    Once the very mention of culture would bring thoughts of reading the classics, discussing fine arts and of belonging to a highly developed society. These days thought the word seems to mean transferring the living standards and ethics of a cesspit society from which you and/or your recent ancestors moved from to where you have moved to. "It's my culture!" is what these savages cry. Never have the alleged words of the nazi officer who said "When I see culture I reach for my gun" been more apt.
  2. Miles


    Blocking Brexit could cause far-right surge - Grayling https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-46847169
  3. Have you ever looked in the mirror and realised that you are not a real doctor but simply a very boring ordinary unskilled cunt?
  4. Amused .. not rattled.
  5. I can understand him being so bitter after been turned down for the train cleaning job.
  6. He's a fucking trainspotter what do you expect?
  7. I had flying car back in 1983 .. it flew through some iron railings.
  8. I bet that you've applied to a job as a conductor and failed the aptitude test.
  9. You're rattled tonight Decs .. has Tim put you in your place?
  10. here is what you deserve .. Leyland Bus's finest. Fit for the London to Norwich service and all you deserve.
  11. Norfolk is a fucking cesspit .. what do you fucking expect?
  12. Weekday Cross Junction.
  13. Punkape is a marsupial and is still in his mother's pouch.
  14. My memory of history as taught in the 1950 and 1960s was of a history of the UK and the Islands that form the UK and the people who were present from around 5000 years ago. The was little history of the various people's prior to them arriving here. So history was the history of the UK and how its culture developed. This is what forges our identity nor willy nonsense of preventing the culture of other lands or replacing or diluting our culture that comes from us adapting to survive in these islands. My earliest ancestors probably arrived here in the mid 1700s but history and culture is from the people who arrived here over the last 5000 years and not of the East Europeans who my ancestors came from almost 300 years ago. I am 100% British and English born and bred and neither ashamed or proud of that but proud of the land itself. Fuck France.
  15. Dark people were certainly present after the crusades and it is not impossible that small numbers of them served as slave or prized specimens before that as strongmen and even warriors but they would certainy not be found in the general population in large numbers until the mid 1700s.
  16. The Barberry Corsairs are conveniently "forgotten" Muslim pirates based in North Africa who took slaves from as far afield as Norway and these wee the actually cunts who captured the slaves sent to America. The way to avoid being taken by them was to convert to Islam (although they often ignore the rule about take Muslims as slaves). Silly fanatical cunts forget that they are Muslim simply because their ancestors converted to try to avoid being taken as slaves by these cunts.
  17. Miles

    The Interabled

    You ever read "Mother West Wind's Animal Friends" Wiz?
  18. 'eavens, Frank does not exist, he is simply a figment of your imagination.
  19. Poor old @Wizardsleeve is confined to wheelchair Judge .. go easy on the sad sad little yank.
  20. Looks like nice chap, he's done well there.
  21. I am currently in the M&S cafe reading this and nearly choked laughing. The cunts at the next table have asked if I am feeling alright.
  22. I have to say that if I found out that you were my dad I would drown myself.
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