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Everything posted by Miles

  1. It is worth looking at the history of Zanzibar to see who were driving the abolition of slavery agenda and who were actually trading and shipping slave. The British pushing for the abolition of slavery and in many cases acting agaist those involved in the trade whilst the French, Portugese, Spanish and Americans were actively buying and shipping the slaves a bit of "black history being for some reason ignored. Also forgotten is that many of our military actions in Africa for which we are now condemned were actually about forcefully stopping the slave capturers and traders who out of interest were almost always muslims.
  2. Actually on reflection I am glad that the BBC website is like this just so that we can see your vacuous diatribe. Thinking is not one of your strengths is it Mongo?
  3. I bet that your 95th birthday bash was a bit dull Mongo .. did your carer type this out for you?
  4. Miles

    Dr James Watson

    Not strictly correct there is evidence in several places of cities built by ancient African civilisations. The Zulus were also very well organised as a fighting force and far from being savages as the British learned the hard way.
  5. What you "animal lovers" have all missed is the torment she she put this poor little fucker through before it died .. it was 11 years old and had stomach cancer, the kindest thing to do was to have it put to sleep but she decided to have it operated at the vets where it died during the surgery .. surely it would have been far kinder to have had it put to sleep to spare it the pain and to give it some dignity. Again that £4,000 would have been very gratefully received by an animal rescue place and would have been a better memorial to a pet that had come from an animal rescue centre itself.
  6. Reported to @Mrs Roopsfor implications of bestiality
  7. Daddies Sauce is now made in Poland And HP Sauce in Holland
  8. You are really bitter about not getting that conductor job with Abelio Greater Anglia aren't you?
  9. IPhones are so last week. Only oinks have them now.
  10. I can’t n't remember the last time I wore a skirt or train twitched Stubbles. I prefer buses anyway. II did see some Mussel Thrushes in the tree tops yesterday though
  11. I just prefer wild animals that are free to do as they wish rather that to tormented and bred into hidious forms by vain and selfish human. Stubbles
  12. Miles


    Its a strange old world Frank .. in here Decs is a superhero but in the outside world room he is just a low grade council clerk doing 27.5 hours a week on the living wage. Some of the others are simply on JSA or or ESA at the JSA rate. It's unfair to deny them their delusions. I will be going out with the camera later just wondering whether to use one of the M4/3 Olympuses or to use the full frame Sony A7.
  13. Miles


    The is a rampant rabbit in the draws somewhere and a stopcock under the sink but I have neither testicles or a penile appendage but why destroy certain peoples fantasies?
  14. Miles


    And of course the media .. the BBC especially who are trying to manipulate rather than to report factually. Interesting that they are only reporting on leavers who they say have changed their minds and ignore remainers who might well now have become leavers.
  15. Wizz I have only just seen this. I will try to be gentle with this. I like you a lot Wizz, I really do but whatever you are looking for in me it simply isn't there there is no magic, no spark .. there really is nothing, I am just very, very ordinary.
  16. I wish I could give you a like for this Judge but I can't because the Norfolk Crybaby would complain.
  17. So you have never heard of Black Douglas and The Black Prince or indeed The Black & Tans and The Black Watch?
  18. Do you have any thoughts on last night's vote Judgie Babes?
  19. Today's offering .. "Nola" a "hero" muslim woman from Newcastle who is helping immigrants. 11 years old asylum seeker from Turkey playing a piano in a music shop, being a muslim and a lesbian, does the pride flag need black and brown stripes. Presumably heterosexual white folk are not doing anything positive?
  20. The only thing I hate more than dogs are the fucking owners who let them run amok and shit everywhere.
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