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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Actually it would be 600'9 likes
  2. You were not one of these "with creative English" cunts were you Decs?
  3. Miles

    I'm Barry Scott

  4. There is the one where a newspaper does a "positive" article on someone but also drops casual mentions of minor past alleged indiscretions that turns the article into a subtle character assassination.
  5. According to this cuntess "dog whistles" are methods of manipulating people by subtle methods. For instance you might make Barack Obama seem foreign to Americans by mentioning his middle name "Hussain" or making us have racist thoughts about Eddie by posting a picture of him showing that he is black. I assume that they are doing the same with the Mayor of London by calling him by his name Sadiq Khan. Any thoughts on this Judge Jewdith?
  6. That is the whole idea of having an undersized and underfunded military machine of the kind we have, you pitch them against heavily harmed cunts to prove that they can kill and maim them. In reality if you don't want your troops to be killed or even to actually fight you need to have a standing army, navy and air force that is so large that no cunt will dare to challenge or invade you which is exactly what fatboy in North Korea is doing.
  7. Don't forget the slippery cunt Dave Cameron .. really a Blair clone who convinced the electorate that he might have something different but actually had no policies, and then involved us in something far worse even than Iraq .. namely the toppling of Gaddafi.
  8. Miles

    I'm Barry Scott

  9. Neil likes "picture books".
  10. More information required.
  11. I'm in the Spoons at Plymouth Decs.
  12. So about 100 above yours? 😉
  13. Blair was one of our finest prime ministers.
  14. Why did their parents allow them to go there in the first place .. surely money wasn't the reason?
  15. They were caught crossing the Thames and were from Tower Hamlets.
  16. Miles

    Not Proven

    He's told me that he likes you.
  17. Miles

    Not Proven

    What is posted here often has double meanings, triple meanings, quadruple meanings or even no meaning .. you will learn.
  18. Punky wears them all the time as they stop him getting his "collar felt" when he's caught cottaging.
  19. Its all about fame and keeping in the eye of the public Decs .. ask Stubby.
  20. Sala has been found alive and well .. his plane landed in a cave at Wookey Hole.
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