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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Amber Alert

    I can imagine some of his ancestors swinging from trees by ropes wrapped around their necks.
  2. You have been out in the sun too long and are foaming at the mouth SC. Islam is a wonderful religion if you are a camel herder living out in the desert.
  3. Actually I lived and worked all the way through the Thatcher era. TBH it was not especially intolerant nor as right wing as made out. The NHS received adequate funding and little political interferance. After some early glitches the state owned railway was receiving the investment that would have taken it into profit have not Major's government stopped that investment continuing because of his fixation with the barmy privatisation. Scargill had been neutralised. The New Labour government was not particularly tolerant, its big error was getting deeply mired in the very costly Iraq war in a place that had little relevance to the intersts of the UK.
  4. Miles

    "Top Top" cunts

    Are you a feral right winger Neil?
  5. Have I ever mentioned me going to Cheltenham Ladies College Nigel?
  6. Miles

    Kasim Khuram

    Have people forgot that some of the Kings and Queens of England were married at around 10 years of age and the that age of consent for girls in England & Wales was 12 until around 1850.
  7. Good evening Apple .. how is the woman of your dreams coming along?
  8. Miles

    Kasim Khuram

    Just noticed it this very second.
  9. Miles

    Kasim Khuram

    Islam is simply a form of orthodox Judaism.
  10. Will you put £10 on that at 1,000,000 to one?
  11. I bet that you use stork margarine.
  12. Miles

    Amber Alert

    Starkey's Farm at Wrenbury
  13. Miles

    Kasim Khuram

    He would never have got into your funeral parlour would he?
  14. Miles

    Kasim Khuram

    Trees are poplar with Punky.
  15. Miles

    Kasim Khuram

    It is not national news though is it? ,, I understand that the bodies concerned were local to the offender.
  16. Answer the question!!!!!
  17. Have you ever used the Number 69 Nigel?
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