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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Martin Lewis

    You promised to use diamorphine
  2. Miles

    Panorama cunts

    If Mr "Robinson" would use his real name I would have slightly more respect for him. That said he was making a reasonable point about the attitude of the mainstream media to the working class.
  3. Miles

    It's Grim Up North

    I'm in Norwich regularly
  4. Miles

    Martin Lewis

    Are you sure that you still like him?
  5. I sit down to rest my weary old legs and within a couple of minutes some obese and useless lump of flesh sits down besides me and lights up a wills whiff or sucks at one of those disgusting eCigs. Why don't these cunts just wrap their lips around the exhaust pipe of a London bus? Fucking cunts the lot of them.
  6. Why are you afraid .. are the bums and local drug dealers chasing after you?
  7. \i was more hoping that LCS was moving to some place where his death will be long, painful and without hope.
  8. In his case "insightless" is a apt word. An issue that affects many "experts" from either side of the debate is that they theorise from a position of safety, safe in the knowledge that they themselves will never end up worrying whether they can afford any of life's essentials.
  9. What about the original and more apt G.R.I.D.S. ?
  10. What about those ornaments that they nicked from them old ladies in Sidcup?
  11. edited .. You having moved to a third world country where your Z$15trillion savings and Z$2trillion a week from your internet trading site will give a a modest living in your mud hut. 
  12. Anything to do with "The Claymores"?
  13. You having moved to a third world country where your £1,500 savings and £25 a week from your internet trading site will give a a modest living in your mud hut.
  14. Very very touchy and dangerous word. Obviously you don't use social media. An acquaintance is currently enjoying a 28 ban on one site for posting the following "Here are some sex symbols ⚥⚣⚢"
  15. As to what post 29th March holds we cannot be sure. However I remember the time before the UK joined the then EEC. by that time we had, had a NHS for 25 years and we were making ends meet, we were also subsidising other Western European countries. My experience of the years since us joining what was the EEC has not been positive. The irony of so many of you southern squealers is that you think that we are dependent upon EU funding rather than realising that if we stopped funding the EU we would actually have more internal funds for ourselves to use as we choose. It is a bit like renting or owning your own home .. at the moment we rent our country from the EU.
  16. It looks like the pilot parachuted out.
  17. Miles

    It's Grim Up North

    Its not in the fucking south either.
  18. Miles

    It's Grim Up North

    You are a witch doctor aren't you?
  19. Miles

    Kasim Khuram

    I thought that CGAS had moved to warmer climes so his "deer hunt" should not have been affected by the UK weather?
  20. Miles

    It's Grim Up North

    Is it fuck .. its more north than south.
  21. Miles

    It's Grim Up North

    Its not in the fucking south either.
  22. Miles

    It's Grim Up North

    Its the fucking East Midlands.
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