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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Gino D'Acampo

    One of my distant relatives was the explorer Mungo Park .. the general consesus within the family is that he was dispatched for the pot.
  2. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    That sounds very much like a description of anyone from Stoke-on-Trent.
  3. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    She has got a Cousin Eddie from Doncaster .. E. Begum .. I'll get me veil.
  4. Do you have any advice for suitable apparel for butterfly collecting?
  5. Miles

    Peter Hegseth

    Is that what traumatised you Judge?
  6. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    You have said that before .. you need to up your own game.
  7. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Where we seem to be missing something is that as a "western society" we are supposed to be tolerant of others beliefs, however what the leftist and rightist snowflakes are missing is that these cunts we are being tolerant of are not being tolerant of us and our beliefs, and this is what driving and empowering the likes of Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (Tommy Robinson). We have also got the problem that in spite of the fact that we have provided a better standard of living and a leading standard of healthcare one significant part of a certain religious ideology hates us and everything we stand for and is also driving hatred of the very country where they were born and who's citizens they are.
  8. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    It was a perfectly good nom. Now please get back to your autism class.
  9. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Good .. now back to the issue of these head-banging self-harming brain-damaging fuckwits.
  10. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Reported for racism .. you should have used the dark bounty.
  11. Miles

    Gino D'Acampo

    Up until this point in time I had never heard of this cunt .. once heard of I doubt that he can be unheard of and for that I hate you.
  12. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    It is interesting that there seems to be a lower frequency of these kind of fruitcakes in Scotland, Wales and Ireland .. could that be something to do with an educational system is those places that reinforces those countries own ethnic identities and with also encouraging the more fanatical cunts to fuck off elsewhere .. usually to Ingerland?
  13. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    A few weeks ago I made a nom about something known as the "raisin", no one bothered to read the nom which referred to a visible result of the islamic methof of praying which in effect a form of headbanging that damages the part of the brain that deals with empathy. A common visible effect is that after a few years of this kind of praying (that in its strictest form used by fanatics involve banging the forehead against the prayermat results in a visible "bump" formed of hardened skin on the forehead which is seen as a sign of piety and is known as "the cherry". The reality of islam is that the method of praying that is used causes brain damage and yet this is not investigated and no efforts are made to eliminate this practice.
  14. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    So you would deny the poor girl the chance to cry Allahu Akbar in her final moments?
  15. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    I am puzzled why she does not want to go to Pakistan which is an islamic paradise.
  16. What about the "Plus 3" that hangs out of your Y-Fronts when you see one of your boyfrieds?
  17. Bearing in mind the crap that you eat do you have a good quality chopper (tooth) pick set?
  18. Miles

    Peter Hegseth

    We have been decimal since 1971 Judge.
  19. I truly dread to think what you work at Punkers,
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