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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    I need to rest now.
  2. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    The doctor is also giving me an injection to ease the pain.
  3. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    My care worker is about to give me my sleeping draft so you will have excuse me.
  4. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    You are totally missing the point and Javid has still got to face the challenges of what a court of law might say. and the only way to destroy the cunt she went to be a housewife for is to totally humiliate them.
  5. Are you Karl Lagerfeld's ghost?
  6. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    The attempt to set up the Islamic State on part of the ancient sovereign state of Syria is the most perfect justification of the setting up the modern State of Israel, using the land of the sovereign state of Palestine .. this something that needs to be explained by the advocates of ISIS.
  7. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Yes .. I will correct it.
  8. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Far better to destroy the delusion and let them see the reality.
  9. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    The problem is that a lot of people .. including people of non islamic origin .. cannot do that, hence the worrying number of young and not so young West Europeans converting to Islam.
  10. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    If you read what I have posed you will see that I am asking the same question .. why does she not want to return to the ;and of her recent ancestors? But it would also be good for her to be asked to explain why she joined an organisation that attempted to annex part of the very ancient state of Syria.
  11. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    We need to visibly challenge the basis of these beliefs and to and draw attention to the contradictions, and also make sure that the right of people to challenge the people to try explain and justify their religious beliefs. A court of law is a good place to do this.
  12. Miles

    Juan Guaidó

    You don't live in the UK do you?
  13. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Correct spelling in context.
  14. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    I have a preference to see a trial and her trying to explain and justify what she has done and to also try to properly explain and justify here desire to return to a none islamic country and "risk" her child being raised by and amongst infideds when there are so many islamic paradise countries.that she could go to to become a muslim housewife and raise her child to be a good muslim.
  15. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Probably not but a Life with 20 year + minimum prison sentence is usually the measured response.
  16. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    What really impresses me is that no one on the corner has ever been a naive and stupid 19 year old and to have later learned their lessons and changed their opinions about what they thought and did in their teenage years. Of course what any of us thinks matters ittle as what matters is what is the end result of the legal process.
  17. I don't think that he uses the trademens entrance.
  18. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Lifted from Wikipdia so might not be totally accurate .. Begum was born to Bangladeshi parents in Tower Hamlets, East London, England in 1999. She was largely brought up by her mother Shahnaz Begum until 2007, when her father, Mohammad Uddin, moved to Britain. She grew up in a two-bedroom council flat in Bethnal Green. Begum is her parents' only child. In Autumn 2014, while Begum was living with her grandmother in east London,Begum's father remarried. Begum's friend, Kadiza Sultana, accompanied her to the wedding. Begum lived with her uncle Shamim Miah, 38, a former religious scholar, and her mother Shahnaz Begum – until her death from lung cancer aged 33 in 2014, grandmother, Jahanara, 66, in a terraced house a few minutes walk from Bethnal Green Academy in East London. She was raised by her uncle Shamim Miah. More Begum's father was distraught when she failed to come home after an overnight stay at her grandmother's house. When he rang Begum's mobile phone and heard a foreign dial tone, he called Scotland Yard to report her gone. He said: "The police told me it's possible Sharmeena has joined Islamic State." Her father said Kadiza Sultana, Shamima Begum and Amira Abase came to visit him at his home in east London two days after Begum disappeared and told him that sometimes she spoke to a girl privately. Begum's father believes Begum was groomed by two young women extremists who targeted her via social media on her phone who took her to the airport and made sure she caught the flight to Turkey. He said he warned police and his daughter's school to monitor her three friends Scotland Yard has been criticised for failing to speak directly to the parents of Kadiza, Shamima and Amira following the disappearance of their friend. Police wrote letters to the three girls' parents in February but rather than delivering the letters directly instead gave them to the girls to deliver. The families found the letters after the three girls had left. They had not been warned that Begum had gone to Syria in December. A Metropolitan Police Service spokesman said: "During the meeting, in the presence of the deputy head, there was no indication that any of the girls spoken to were in any way vulnerable or indeed radicalised. There was no indication that any of the girls were at risk of travelling to Syria." Police subsequently told Begum's father that two women had encouraged Begum to join the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant and taken her to Gatwick airport for a flight to Istanbul. She is then thought to have made her way overland through Turkey to the Syrian border. Scotland Yard have said police received reports that a 15-year-old girl from Bethnal Green Academy left the UK for Syria on 6 December, and three days later officers interviewed seven of her friends at the school, including Shamima Begum, Kadiza Sultana and Amira Abase, about her disappearance. Scotland Yard has said that two women, aged 20 and 21, were arrested in north London on 19 February over Begum's disappearance. The suspects were held on suspicion of an offence under the Child Abduction Act 1984 before being bailed until next month. Initially Islamic leaders and some of their family members claimed the Internet was used to groom Begum and her three friends.[2] However, according to a report by Omar Wahid, in August 2015 Begum was indoctrinated into radical thinking at East London Mosque in Whitechapel by a women's group from the Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE). She then allegedly persuaded her three friends to join her at the meetings at the mosque. However, the mosque authorities denied any links with Islamic extremists.
  19. I have had the info from elsewhere .. a number of remoaners are calling them cunts for it. I think that they have also described themselves as "a different kind of party".
  20. Amusing and ironical are not words to use to describe you, nor are the letters "Dr".
  21. John Major lost his ball he was born as John Major-Ball
  22. They have registered it as a private company rather than as a political party .. this in theory restricts people from knowing who is bankrolling them.
  23. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    There is also the issue that the Bangladesh government might claim that she is not a citizen of Bangladesh.
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