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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Cariad Lloyd

    Are you ever sober?
  2. Good evening Punkers you big fat poof.
  3. Could you tell me what the Welsh are like please?
  4. Any thoughts on thin German rats?
  5. Miles

    Red Nose Day

    I am glad that I saw your response to this.
  6. 2003 to 2005 you doped up millennial cunt.
  7. I spent two years employed within local government, everyone was watched every minute of the day not only by the council itself but by every council tax payer (and non-payer) who all thought that whatever you did was their business. You have certainly implied that you have an executive (decision or supervisory) type role .. just to help you here is the meaning of the word "Executive" . executive noun a person or group of persons having administrative or supervisory authority in an organization. the person or persons in whom the supreme executive power of a government is vested. the executive branch of a government. adjective of, relating to, or suited for carrying out plans, duties, etc.: executive ability. pertaining to or charged with the execution of laws and policies or the administration of public affairs: executive appointments; executive committees. designed for, used by, or suitable for executives:
  8. Miles

    Sean Rigg

    Mr Rigg died in police custody back in August 2008 after being held in the "prone position" for "more than seven minutes" by police officers. A very sad case where it has taken some 10 years to rule that the police officers concerned acted reasonably. The background to this is that Mr Rigg had been seen aiming karate kicks at other members of the public for no apparent reason. His family are still unhappy over this .. I do wonder if they would have held the same opinion if someone else had aimed karate kicks at them for no apparent reason and that person had been restrained for a short time by police officers and died as a result?
  9. There is also that "tinypic" thing.
  10. You are getting really bitchy with this, and responded within close to 30 minutes You have certainly implied that you have some minor executive role with a huge pension to come in twenty odd years time. I have not implied that you are logging on with an office PC but certainly were you even logging on with a phone it in some active office or other work environment at the frequency you are would have been noticed and acted upon.
  11. Decco something puzzles me .. given that you are supposed to be some kind of minor "executive" on either a local or county council, how the fuck do you find the time and a suitably secure space to log on to here on what looks like a 30 minute frequency during you working day? In my short time working for a borough council I found the level of monitoring of staff would have made this impossible.
  12. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    I am visually impaired (blind as fuck).
  13. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Skripal Terrace.
  14. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    I am notorious for stabbing people in the back.
  15. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    She has been given an house in Salisbury.
  16. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    She is probably already back in Blighty.
  17. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Poor Shamina has had to do a runner from the camp.
  18. Was he a conductor on Virgin West Coast?
  19. So you live 18 metres above the summit of Cleeve Hill?
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