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Everything posted by Miles

  1. @Earl of Punkape is too grand for the likes of us.
  2. Miles

    The French

    Frank livens you lot up.
  3. Did you have a Sinclair Spectrum?
  4. Miles

    The French

    Does that include The Isle of Wight?
  5. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    You are not Punkape are you?
  6. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    I don't think that it was his arm that fell off
  7. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    The mark of a civilised society is whether we have compassion. The way most people are posting here shows that we lack compassion and are falling into the same hole as ISIS. She should be returned to the UK, to face the consequences of her actions and every reasonable effort should be made to deradicalise her.
  8. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Is Dave your boyfriend or are you just stalking him?
  9. Miles

    The French

    You are a fake .. there is no Professor of Cunting at Oxford University.
  10. Miles

    The French

    Frank is the best on here .. he has told me so himself.
  11. Miles

    The French

    One of my uncles was in France in the first world war. A farmer refused to let him and some other British soldiers to get some water from his well until they threatened to shoot him. After they got the water they needed, they went around the farmyard and collected as much cow and pig shit as the could find and shovelled it down his well.
  12. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    There must be some nice young lad somewhere who could put her right.
  13. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Hasn't the poor lass suffered enough?
  14. Miles

    The French

    You had a good week Stubby?
  15. Miles

    The French

    Fanaidh balaichean
  16. That was a Swift reply .. do you like the House Martins?
  17. I swallow does not make a summer.
  18. Do you think that he got Vapona?
  19. Miles

    The French

    Vain, selfish, arrogant and mostly cowards and they use English as their first language .. is there any point is the French and France?
  20. I expect that your name is Rupert.
  21. No , that was your wife you whinging old poof.
  22. The pilot has just been found not guilty.
  23. I would like to see you try to eat baked beans with a can opener.
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