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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Face you old POOF.. The Pen in mightier than the Wizz.
  2. How do you know about this "cock tucking" thing .. did the doctor tell you to do it?
  3. You are not a real woman are you Whizz .. where did you have the operation .. Brazil?
  4. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Easy enough to reach with the crook of a walking stick.
  5. If she worked on the railway in British Rail days she would have been entitled to quarter fares.
  6. Its like that in most large companies Jewdith.
  7. You actually posted something about a year ago suggesting that you were part asian with India mentioned, from how you post there is a lot to suggest you would be part Sikh rather than Hindu.
  8. Miles


    I do wish that the various "reporters" would do just that .. i.e. report rather than "analyse" (which is them simply giving their own opinion biased to their own beliefs". The only honest opinion there can be is that our politicians have made a fuck up.
  9. It is worth reading up on what Christianity was like from around 500 to 300 years ago .. there was a great deal in common with present day radical Islam.
  10. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Ultimately the best option is likely to be to deradicalise or reprogram the radicalisers themselves. How you would do it is another matter.
  11. These eyesight problems are a nightmare Eric .. I just read your 2 inch stiffy as a 2 inch staffy.
  12. So back in 1979 he asked Cyril Smith if he had sexually abused young boys and after hearing fat Cyril's response, came away assuming that the allegations were true but did nothing about it. What a complete and utter cunt.
  13. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    The quote was "he would say that wouldn't he?" .. Mandy Rice-Davies... The real scandal was that both her and Keeler were teenagers and at that time not even legally adults and yet were prosecuted and gaoled, wheres as the middle aged political "clients" were not prosecuted. The only other one prosecuted was Stephen Ward
  14. Reported for implications of bestiality.
  15. You do not have my permission to use my old name.
  16. Are you a secret agent with THRUSH?
  17. Do you want me to wave as my train passes Glawster Tim?
  18. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    We do actually need to find out what is going on in her mind and to find out by whom and how she was influenced. That is one very good reason to bring her back to the UK. The Dutch also need to be doing something similar with the individual who illegally "married" and fathered children with her.
  19. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    I find it ironical that so many people who are screaming for these folk not to be allowed back but want them to face criminal charges .. actually for them to face a court of law and potentially to be sentenced for whatever crimes they might have committed they would need to be brought back.
  20. Miles

    Boeing Boeing

    You seem to know a lot about shit Whizzle .. are you an iron?
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