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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Robbie Williams

    He went to look at Haslington Hall with plans to buy it but the place in caught fire.
  2. Miles

    Dead: DSMO

    Don't forget the S.O.C.
  3. Happy days when the yanks couldn't get 7UP.
  4. You are not "The Ruler Of The Universe" by any chance are you?
  5. You WERE the best on here Apple.
  6. Miles

    Cardinal Pell.

    Have you ever seen a nine Bob note?
  7. Miles

    Cardinal Pell.

    I did meet him and shafted him with me broomstick and then nicked his horse.
  8. Miles

    Cardinal Pell.

    Have you ever given any thoughts about becoming a Witch Finder .. I see you as a bit of a Mathew Hopkins .. I bet that you could beat his 300 plus execution count
  9. Miles

    Cardinal Pell.

    I have not said that. Do you eat halal meat Eric and do you make the effort to check?
  10. You never had an argument Eric .. all you have ever had is anger and far too much time on your hands.
  11. Miles

    Cardinal Pell.

    Few things make sense to a simpleton.
  12. One of my more distance relatives Mungo Parke was said to have got in a stew.
  13. I would not know about such a corellation .. do you have experience of this Eric .. is that why you are so angry?
  14. I expect that there is a corellation between these kind of killings and of angry men hiding behind keyboards
  15. Eric it is you who are babbling on about things that you cannot prove either way. The paedophilia by its very nature is a sexually desire or interest in children, not of bestiality, there are plenty of examples of people being child abusers but of being overkind and caring towards their pets and other animals. Other than in the small minds of small minded folkhere is no strong evidence of any corellation between paedophillia and bestiallity any more so than there is say between owner of Range Rovers and similar SUVs and people who have micro-penises.
  16. Miles

    Cardinal Pell.

    Calm down and read what I posted .. I have not implied that the shielding of paedopholes was ever acceptable (or indeed legal). Indeed the law was in many cases being enforced back then. It is worth reading about what eventually happened to the founders of the paedophile information exchange once the authorities decided to act. What I am concerned about is the belated crimilisation of what were seen at the time as that they took place (30, 40, 50, 60 years or more years ago) normal acceptable behaviour and interactions that took place 30, 40, 50 years or more years ago. Child sex abuse was always illegal and often punished but some of the lines are sharper than they were in say the mid 1960 when one of my sisters at 14 years of age had a boyfriend who was 4 years older than herself in spite of my parents protests that relationship lasted for four years. How would that relationship have been seen these day?
  17. Miles

    Cardinal Pell.

    Whilst actions which were illegal long ago should be face prosecution today, what does concern me is that in all too many cases people are being prosecuted and convicted for actions that were perfectly acceptable and were not against the law at the time they were claimed to have happened.
  18. Miles

    Cardinal Pell.

    "Pell's appeal" Sorry he does not appeal to me Fuck Off! lol
  19. I have not seen anything to bear that out. The is plenty of evidence of child neglect and cruelty by cunts who put their pets interests before their children.
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