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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Did you know that Wizz and 'eavens are now married?
  2. Miles

    Spacker John Bercow

    Don't worry he would have just though that, that was a crap trick
  3. Miles

    Spacker John Bercow

    I very much doubt .. I don't think that he has ever been any further than Shoreditch or Uxbridge .. I think that he might well have been to Lewisham to meet Apple though.
  4. Miles

    Spacker John Bercow

    You are the best on here Frank although Judge is riding high at present.
  5. Judge .. to me you have always been, and always will be TOP MAN .. I want you to know that.
  6. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    Our politicians are doing what they think is best (for them).
  7. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    Yesterday a British Airways plane landed at Edinburgh instead of Dusseldorf .. these days that is a very easy mistake to make.
  8. @Earl of Punkape do you still subscribe to PLAIN TRUTH MAGAZINE?
  9. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    Did you ever get the 'orn for Kim Wilde?
  10. Miles


    I have now got details of the second referendum voting options .. they are REMAIN (I am a remoaner) REMAIN (I am too timid to vote otherwise) REMAIN Anyway (no point voting otherwise) REMAIN (you fucking bastards wont allow us to leave whatever the the vote). LEAVE the decision to remain to our fucking snowflake parliamentarians.
  11. What does frog sperm look like .. surely it can't look like a tadpole?
  12. Somthing that seems to have been forgotten is that the predictions pointed towards there being a narrow win for remain .. I am wondering how the remainers would have reacted in such a case to a people votes demand and a march for brexit .. my bet is that they would have been screaming that it was undemocratic.
  13. Having seen some photos of the march, I do wonder what proprotion of the attendees were actually non uk Nationals who would not have been permitted to vote in the referendum.
  14. Are you sure that "desperado" is the correct way to spell "dickhead"?
  15. Miles

    People who whistle

    Never trust anyone who whistles .. its like dogs that bark.
  16. I am more familiar with cormorants than I am with shags.
  17. My excuse is my great age .. what is your excuse for being alone at home on a Saturday evening when any self respecting person of your age would be out by now getting "bladdered"?
  18. My suspicion is that diserectile may be using a Tatung Einstein with the RAM paging out to one of those strange 3" floppy drives that they used.
  19. You should be safe enough with a BBC B as they have 32k of RAM.
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