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Everything posted by Miles

  1. I put my trust in Allah these days Panzbaby.
  2. You do know that Jesus loves you don't you Panzbaby?
  3. I don't fly pecker .. I ain't got wings.
  4. Of course Panz will have "freedom" of travel to and from other EU states .. as to whether he will be able to afford the air fare or sea fare and local taxes at what ever ports he uses is another matter.
  5. One of my arguments is regarding the fact that unlike the other large EU economies we face the fact that even to export something to France we have to send it through some kind of port. Dover is closer to Calais than it is to say Tonbridge. Yet you can deliver you item to Tonbridge whatever way you like. If it small enough you could even use a motorbike. Try doing the same if you want to deliver that item to Calais. There are issues of compliance that also place us at severe disadvantage, although in many cases we could apply for a derogation .. the problem with a derogation those is that you need to go through a complex and expensive legal process. Of course if the EU functioned properly those derogations would be in place automatically however doubtless France would see that as unfair. Something else that makes a mockery are the dutch fishing boats fishing in our waters under the British flag, then taking the catch to Holland for processing before being sent back to be sold in the UK. The West Country fishing industry has been devastated by this. The simple fact is that it is just as easy in practical terms for us to trade with non-European countries as it is for us to trade with Europe .. in some cases actually easier as we send it direct by sea or air without it crossing third party countries land borders.
  6. We are actually subjects not citizens as one of the imperial EU leaders has said that the EU is an empire.
  7. What are your thoughts on this Michael Collins cunt
  8. You sound rather bitter .. have you thought of falling under a LUAS tram?
  9. So according to the latest report the pilot was colour-blind and not allowed to fly at night .. poor Emiliano would have been better off on a regular commercial flight on a 737MAX.
  11. You got any tips for the Boat Race and the Aintree Grand National?
  12. But at least our peacefulls can still move to the emerald isle.
  13. Miles

    Doggo Speak

    I would like to give you twenty likes for this.
  14. I was talking to a wee scottish bus driver yesterday. When I asked why he moved to the West Country .. his answer was "That little poisoned dwarf called Nicola Sturgeon".
  15. The irony is that if we had crashed out today it is likely that by 22nd May some deal would have been made with the EU regardless .. likely that we would have paid more to them than we got back, but isn't that always the case anyway. As to the DUP the current Irish situation is barmy, far better that we have a United Ireland. As things are now it is just a complete and utter fuck-up.
  16. He is popular with a certain kind of woman and (wo)man).
  17. The daft cunts who walked from Newcastle have finally reached London.
  18. Your Robbie Williams nom was hardly a shiner.
  19. Get back to work Old Mrs Balshaw is waiting for that injection and you need to get her to sign that will that you typed our for her.
  20. For a couple of short years there was the hope that our nation would be free again. Sadly our foolish masters have decided that they know "best" and the dream is over. Welcome to the flag that we will all now bow down before or be treated as traitors.
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