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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Lisa Smith

    I remember someone saying that they had read the book Chariots of The Gods and saying that the author must be mad to believe what he had written about spaceships visiting the earth. The cunt who made the comment was an ordained parson .. he did not like it when I pointed out that his religion was based on the same concept. ie beings visiting earth from outer space.He also did not like it when I suggested that we are simply the end result of 4 billion years of evolution.
  2. Miles

    Lisa Smith

    This Carol Duffy bitch is the one who encouraged Smith to convert to Islam in the first place. As someone else said .. 40 years ago she would have been kneecapped. "Bigots have flung rashers at the house of Isis bride Lisa Smith’s former best friend, overturned her bins and sent vile insults to her on Facebook. Carol or ‘Karimah’ Duffy, a Muslim convert, said the Muslim community in Ms Smith’s native Dundalk are afraid and have two gardaí escorting them to the mosque since Friday’s mass shooting at two mosques in New Zealand. She said she had tried her best to keep Ms Smith from fanaticism – and eventually fell out due to Ms Smith’s radicalisation – yet bigots have targeted her and her family. Ms Duffy said Islamophobic thugs had recently made the link between Smith and Dundalk after the New Zealand terror attack, saying she had 'packets of rashers thrown at my house'."
  3. Miles

    Lisa Smith

    Only to wimin.
  4. Miles

    Lisa Smith

    Then she will have to throw the Islam part away.
  5. Miles

    Lisa Smith

    She's playing the "little girl lost .. didn't know what she was doing thing" but the bitch is 37.
  6. Miles

    Lisa Smith

    Pansie has blocked me so he will not see this.
  7. Miles

    Lisa Smith

    She even looks ugly with a full face veil.
  8. Miles

    Lisa Smith

    This sweet little colleen who is currently held in a Syrian refugee camp set ot for Syria three years ago to work with ISIS. She now wants to go home to Ireland. https://www.rte.ie/news/2019/0407/1041200-lisa-smith-isis-syria/
  9. Miles


    He was a gingerbread man.
  10. Miles


    I don't believe any of the stories that I've heard.
  11. Miles


    Baristas are the real cunts.
  12. Miles


    The British police are the best in the world.
  13. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    Was it you wearing the seagull suit pansie?
  14. Miles

    Aaron Campbell.

    One area of concern in this case is the girl's father selling drugs to the then 15 years old Campbell. None or little media interest to this. Nor any apparent interest from the authoritiesIt doesn't excuse what Campbell did to the little girl but a lot of questions should be being asked of the the girl's father regarding him knowingly selling drugs to an adolescent teenager.
  15. Miles


    We do have the presumption of innocence as a basis of common law. This issue of advising silence though should be treated as a potential admission of knowledge of the offence, and Judges should not be allowed to guide a jury to ignore the "no comment". The barrister or whatever should always be required to explain the reason for them advising the client to give this response.
  16. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    No deal Brexit will mean less food variety
  17. I had £100 on Up For Review in the Grand National .. now checking the results.
  18. You ever been into "HERBIE'S" at Exeter?
  19. Doesn't this mean that Ireland is either a British Protectorate or a Principality of the UK? I would ask @Panzerknacker but he's blocked me lol
  20. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    Once upon a time @Panzerknacker was a great wind-up merchant .. or that is what he wanted us to think, it turns out that he is just another lonely little fart who dishes it out but can't take it back. I doubt whether he ever leaves his Dublin tenement flat save for a weekly quick visit to his local 24 hour corner shop to collect his bacci.
  21. Miles

    Danny fuckin Rose

    Is mongo in some form of catatonic state?
  22. Miles

    Mary Lou

    Please don't pick on Lupo .. his little brain is poorly.
  23. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    We have now left the EU Panzer, get over it.
  24. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    Its amazing to think that it is now nine days since we left the EU.
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