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Everything posted by Miles

  1. It would not be in their best interests to do that, it would backfire on them big time. Regardless of what happens re BREXIT the EU are going to have to be very careful or they may well in the medium term end up with a UK government that simply withdraws from the EU unilaterally.
  2. From Panzers viewpoint his fear is reasonable as prior to joining the EU Ireland was a third world country comparable to Columbia. Ireland so far has done well out of the EU. Back here in blighty the EU has created the illusions that it has benefited Scotland but that is not the real problem .. the real problem is many MP of all side having their snouts in the EU trough and of a civil service that is now wedded to and a toll of the EU .. whatever I wish Panzer well and hope that someway can be found for him to continue to receive his €203 weekly benefit payment.
  3. You are deluded Whipple .. I am the only one online.
  4. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    Project Fear ii is now kicking in all my right wing Brexiteer friends are now more worried about Corbyn than they are about us remaining in the EU. The harsh reality is that it does not matter which party is in charge. Too many MPs of all sides along with the civil servants have their snouts firmly in the EU trough and on a personal greedy level have too much to lose (There are plenty civil servants who now proudly proclaim that the are "not British" but "are European"). The Nationalists have the delusion that they can break away from the UK and have independence when what will really happens is that the EU will simply treat them as part of the British Isles regardless and in reality Ireland will lose its independence as it will simply be lumped in by the EU with the British Isles. Sein Fein will probably revert back to "kneecap" politics but will still be blaming the evil British. The SNP will also still blame the English for depriving them of what they see as their fair share of funding, the Welsh will still grumble but continue to accept their situation and be happy to consider themselves to be better than the English. The Cornish will still have a massive chip on their shoulders.
  5. PAGING @Cuntybaws, @Rev @Panzerknacker https://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/news/apprentice-boys-march-in-inverness-city-centre-176644/
  6. Instead of worrying about Brekshit .. how about getting out of you flat and going to have a look at this? In 1917, the SS Laurentic hit a mine off the coast of Fanad Head, carrying a secret cargo of over 3,000 gold bars. If you’re feeling particularly lucky this week, 22 bars are still unaccounted for…
  7. Is Wizz in the same ward as you? It was you who woke the brain dead cunt up.
  8. I am a citizen of the greatest European Union of all .. its called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland although I would be quite happy if the latter fucked off.
  9. You are a very dull and slow woman whizz .. I mostly get my news from RTE.
  10. PAGING @Cuntybaws! PAGING @Cuntybaws!
  11. Pansie does ok on JSA he gets €203 a week.
  12. Miles


    I'm 67 on Wednesday .. are you going to send me a card?
  13. Miles


    He is stopping the night isn't he?
  14. Miles


    Is it true that you have invited Panzer around for supper?
  15. I wonder what @Panzerknacker posted surely it can't be more crap about Brexit 🤔 🙄
  16. Of course Ireland only joined the EEC because the UK did.
  17. Actually Eire never left the UK as they did not hold a IEXIT referendum.
  18. Miles

    Lisa Smith

    In the eyes of "Lard"
  19. Miles

    Lisa Smith

    @Earl of Punkape? https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/756870/proof-of-god-kurt-godel
  20. Miles

    Lisa Smith

    But I don't exist.
  21. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    I know you can't see this response @Panzerknacker but the fact is that we are not leaving, it was all a big wind-up to get you tugging at the hook .. the UK will be in full control of the EU within five years.
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