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Everything posted by Miles

  1. I saw something about this on RTE today .. its got them in quite a panic. Leo does seems to be some backtracking now re Brexit perhaps his new friend Mr Macron has been asking too much of him.
  2. Triumph Dolomite Sprint 😛
  3. Standard 12 or a Standard Vanguard?
  4. Wouldn't an inflated airbed do the same job?
  5. It needs some filler on the nearside front wheel-arch. I know someone on Crewe electric traction depot who would sort it for 50 quid
  6. Miles

    Uri Geller

    Withers is actually in his early 80s .. Decs told me that .. they are good mates away from the corner apparently.
  7. Miles

    Uri Geller

    Have you had your extra arms, legs, eyes, fingers and toes removed yet?
  8. Don't lose faith Whizz you are still the worst on here save perhaps for the Norfolk swamp monster.
  9. What a boring and poisonous little toad you are Wizz .. totally devoid of any sense of humor sic.
  10. This Livia bloody woman is actually an Italian.
  11. Miles

    Lisa Smith

    At least the Irish are more tolerant than the Brits eh @Panzerknacker lol! 🤣 Irish people vote ten-to-one in favour that ISIS bride Lisa Smith should not return home https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/irish-people-vote-ten-one-14272809
  12. Reported for abuse of the like/irons facility. .. @Mrs Roops
  13. Did anyone notice @Cuntybaws driving the google street view car?
  14. Reported rule 7 .. for fomenting the same argument with almost everyone else on the forum.
  15. It goes back more than 30 years .. I think the first case I heard of was a Mr White who opened a cafe called "WHITE'S EATERY" back in 1966 and was advised to change the name.
  16. That's chocolate easter eggs fucked
  17. You are imagining it .. I am the only cunt logged in.
  18. Can you prnounce Abergavenny, Llangollen or Talacre properly (Ratty comes from Talacre).
  19. @Earl of Punkape there is an article about Tom Daley in the latest Amateur photographer magazine
  20. Miles


    Do you tuck your cock and how do you stop it pecking you to fuck?
  21. Miles


    I can't swim.
  22. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    You forgot the CLOTted cream.
  23. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    The vote was close, but what swayed things was Project Fear, without that the Leave vote would have been higher. From what I have seen of the leave side 90% of them are entrenched in their view. Of the remain voters a significant percentage of them (perhaps as much as 30%) would have voted leave had there been no project fear .. they are the ones along with say the 10% of the leavers who might be influenced to change their views. That adds up to perhaps 6 million votes that can be sway and they are who matter in politics .. politics is never about the majority. Should we remain in the EU, the remain voters are highlt likely to object to being punished hence the EU are going to have little option but to offer us a better deal than we have now.
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