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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Julian Assange.

    Frank, you told me that you were not going to post again.
  2. I always convert these to levers.
  3. I told Frank about the "Double X".. he told me that he would never post again.
  4. Miles

    Moon Gazers

    So the Israeli mission failed to make a soft landing on the moon .. the thick cunts tried to do it with a rocket .. next years Irish mission has a far better chance as they are using parachutes.
  5. Why is everyone so worked up Judge?
  6. I have concluded that we are staying in the EU and should make the best of things.
  7. It would have no effect he's had more pricks in him than you've had hot dinners.
  8. Miles

    Julian Assange.

    I think that they've actually arrested Father Christmas.
  9. Miles

    Julian Assange.

    He's just been arrested. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1112834/Julian-Assange-news-arrested-video-moment-BBC-Wikileaks-Ecuador-Embassy-latest
  10. He is right but not for the reasons he thinks. There is a new country within the British Isles that has appeared over the last 30 years or so. That country is London, mostly now alien to England and the rest of the UK populated largely by peoples whose best interests have little to do with the rest of England
  11. To see the UK crippled and a laughing stock but still in the EU will suit Macron's purposes very well. So far as I can see our MPs of all parties have managed to create a situation where there is no way out of the impasse. The harsh truth is that it is too late. The Uk no longer exists as a viable state.
  12. I would give you a like for that but I am sure that the little grass would report me.
  13. I am afraid that your little "friend" has well and truly forced my beak into it.
  14. @Mrs Roops Could I draw your attention to @Decimus use of "irons", there have been several instances of him threatening to swamp certain members with "irons". This is surely a breach of rules 7?
  15. Isn't the leaderboard creating a lot of spurious and irrelevant posts and antagonism? It just seems to be generating quantity rather than quality, could we not remove the leaderboard for a couple of weeks to see whether it returns us to the cuntscorner the we used to have?
  16. @Wizardsleeve something tells me that you are have got obsessive compulsive disorder .. have you washed your hands and checked that the door is locked?
  17. The harsh truth is that geographically Ireland is part of the British Isles regardless of what nationality he calls himself .. it is something that Panzer seem to forget.
  18. Did you ever meet Carmen Miranda?
  19. Miles

    The One Show

    I'm from Crewe .. just sayin'
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