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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Julian Assange.

    I can do that with a rampant rabbit.
  2. Miles


    Its the new "normal .. ratty has been ostracised
  3. Miles

    Julian Assange.

    I suggest that you read some of your own posts and reflect upon what you have just posted.
  4. Miles

    Julian Assange.

    Can you talk some sense into the big girls blouse please?
  5. Miles

    Julian Assange.

    It causes you to go crying to teacher like a six year old schoolgirl.
  6. Miles

    Julian Assange.

    The "local residents" try to jump on to anything heading in the direction of the UK .. most of the actual French have already come the UK so these days its just the illegals.
  7. Miles

    Julian Assange.

    I understand that all you have to do is to quote a user's name a few times and you unblock them. Are you ticking the "show this post option" for example?
  8. Miles

    Julian Assange.

    There are giant tadpoles on uranus.
  9. Victoria always wears a thespian disguise.
  10. Miles

    Julian Assange.

    @Decimus never led the pack, he was just a Chizer trapped in the jaws of a German Shepherd.
  11. I think that I have only ever driven two automatics .. I never felt comfortable with anything that did not have a clutch and gear lever.
  12. No. The Raleigh Supermatic moped had a similar vairiomatic type gearing.
  13. The Chancellor says that he thinks that if we get Brexit off the table now all will be forgotten in 12 months time! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-47909151
  14. Are you "Shane" from Milton Keynes?
  15. What puzzles me is that they should have been aware of this. I had a couple of sessions as a staff rep and I quickly learned that if some big change was coming, the best thing to do was to get it done as quickly as possible and then tie the loose end up as quick as possible afterwards. Often we would fairly quickly end up exactly where we were prior to the change but the shitstorm had largely been avoided and everybody regardless of what side they took quickly forgot what had happened.
  16. I am just wondring if Wofie is "Darren from Plymouth". Darren and his wife are a bit slow on the uptake. Darren has got one of those motorhome things and tows a smart car behind it. A couple of years ago he arrived home from a touring Holiday in the lake district and found that his smart car was not behind his motorhome. He reported it stolen and a couple of weeks later found out that it had been towed to a compound having been found abondoned at a car park in Keswick. It turned out that on the last day of his holiday he had drove the smartcar to Keswick from a camping site near Lancaster. Then him and his misses had seen the Keswick to Lancaster bus and his missus though that it would be a nice ride and got on the bus forgetting all about their smartcar. Having got back to the campsite in a taxi from Lancaster they got straight into the motorhome to drive back overnight to Plymouth.
  17. Had they just done BREXIT the shitstorm would have been long settled. Now they have a situation where whatever they do the shitstorm will take 20 years or more to settle.
  18. Up on arsebook I am seeing sad miserable old scrotes (all around my age or a bit older). All pointing the finger at Theresa May and none of of them with the realisation that only about 10% of the MPs and Lords on either side actually believe in BREXIT. Have another election and all that will be fielded are candidates with the same opinions.
  19. This is a real life picture of me Eric
  20. Its always painful to be on the losing side and best to know when the battle has been lost. We have a useless government and a useless bunch of MPs and Lords. The UK plc is finished. I have decided to turn my coat from this to this 🇪🇺 .. long live the EU!
  21. In a lot of cases on an individual level the the PR and marketing people don't need to see the bigger picture .. all they need to see is the money in the bank for that particular job.
  22. Its too late @Frank has left the forum or has he 🤔
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