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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Not an available option .. perhaps would be a good idea. The fake Doctor does need leave the Daily Mail site alone though.
  2. From the Daily Telegraph .. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/04/12/drink-driver-spared-jail-given-another-chance-judge-woman/
  3. This what the judge actually said .. "Addressing Parry, the judge added: "You richly deserve an immediate custodial sentence of 18 months. "I want to see whether you can really address the issues rather than paying lip service. If you succeed, I will not make the custody immediate. If you don't comply, I will conclude that you are not worthy of the chance."". .. The fake Doc does need to try to comprehend what the Judge has actually done.
  4. What I read of the original article what has actually happened is that Parry is due back in court in three months time when a decision will be taken as to whether she is sent to prison, an odd but not unknown ruling.
  5. I think it is you .. you are taking things too seriously.
  6. Do you ever go up the River Bollin tickling trout or do you prefer fly fishing?
  7. What you mean that they ain't sold them yet?
  8. Stop fucking moaning.
  9. I bet that you also call Sandbach "Sanback".
  10. I bet that you can't say Abergavenny or Llanfairfechan properly you pleb.
  11. Mind your own fucking business you pleb.
  12. @Earl of Punkape needs to get back to the ironing board.
  13. Would they not spell it as "Releazes" and "Releazed"?
  14. Steve from Ruislip went to the US of A back in 1965 when he was six .. they came back in 1976 when he was 16 and moved into a new council house in Milton Keynes. Poor Steve stuck with his yank accent .. try as he might even ten years in the RAF couldn't remove that yankee doodle drawl. Twenty five years later when Steve liked to call himself Shane he was still stuck with that yank accent and driving his brother's Daewoo. I bet that he is still moseying around the Coffee Hall Estate in a clapped out 15 year old Hyundai.
  15. You're Steve from Ruislip!
  16. Withers? @Mrs Roops is @Major Cunt a Multi?
  17. Good one Judge .. the truth is that @Decimus and his bumchums are just newbies on here. They know nothing of the brave dark days of Benny, Flinty, catwoman and Drew Peacock.
  18. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    Its fatbergs @Panzerknacker the Irish water authority has to clear 500 of them a month .. it was on RTE this week.
  19. Adolf Hitler once said .."Our strategy is to destroy the enemy from within, to conquer him through himself. Mental confusion, contradictions of feelings, indecision, panic .. these are our weapons". .. The EU have not failed him.
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