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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Burning Cathedrals

    You are just dry, dead and as the late @Panzerknacker 😢 said, you are boring with nothing interesting or funny to say. You still stuck on the coffee hall estate?
  2. Miles

    Burning Cathedrals

    Not jealous, just that you are trivialising the death of France.
  3. Its because the cunts don't have any friends .. "love on a lead". Sad friendless old men and women with five dogs running amok.
  4. Actually 7,000 protesters. But most demo numbers are overestimated. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1113460/soldier-f-ride-rolling-thunder-protest-biker-bloody-sunday-motorcycle-london
  5. Miles

    Burning Cathedrals

    @Alfie Noakes the destruction of this cathedral is a tragedy .. enough is enough. I want you to step outside so that we can settle this.
  6. But that's the people who live there.
  7. Bootle is outside of Liverpool proper .. Merkeyside is not Liverpool. The actual city centre and the docks as they are now are mostly rather grand and elegant. As I have sad the scousers themselves are cunts..
  8. Miles

    Being English

    Panz .. you have blocked me so how the fuck can you see this nom?
  9. I don't follow soccer but I am always pleased when these London clubs (along with Manchester United and Norwich) get the shit kicked out of them.
  10. I doubt whether you have ever been there .. the place itself is fab .. its the cunts that live there that are the problem.
  11. Miles

    Being English

    The fact that you have got webbed feet and hands, lack earlobes and look like Gollum is not my fault.
  12. Miles

    Being English

    I did not say that I am proud .. more indifferent than proud. Do you ever have punch ups with those cunts from Carlisle?
  13. Miles

    Being English

    I am English, I am not ashamed of it, in fact I am perfectly content to be English and to be called English .. however in truth being English and happy to be called English means that I am a racist, a bigot and a xenophobe.
  14. Have seen much in the way of the unplanned penis and anal "accidents" in A & E?
  15. I'm going to like this out of spite
  16. Locally there is a young chap who rides around on one of those motorised wheelchairs that can be driven from a finger controlled joystick on the armrest using the one hand and fingers that he can still move. Until three years ago his passion in life was tombstoning. His injuries were unplanned.
  17. Local newspapers were disappearing long before the internet. It intensified after the first BBC local radio stations appeared increasing when the local commercial station came on the air. Further pressure came for the local advertising rags that were pushed through every door. The argument over "people reading them for free" is hardly logical. The adverts are local ads with no relevance outside the newspapers areaHow many people from Plymouth would go out to by the Bolton Guardian or the Tintwistle Gazette? Another issue is that for the past 60 years the local titles have gradually been bought by National publishing companies and are no longer locally owned with the companies no longer using local journalists or paying photographers. I regularly pick up "local" newspapers here in Devon and find "articles" that have simply been gleaned from social media or by people texting to their websites and articles then put together by people who have no knowledge of the area about which they are writing .. so the plea "love your local journalism is bullshit" . The world has changed. The ones that do seem to be doing better are the ones with little or no internet presence. The real problem with social media or online publishing is the irritating way that adverts are pushed at you. Rather than sitting passively as in a real newspaper so you can read the article and then perhaps look at the advertising columns you are forced to see a totally irrelevant advert. On facebook etc it is far worse with the supposedly carefully selected "suggested posts". advertising a smart car garage or the woolhamption ladies snail racing circle being pushed at you along with flashing "message alerts" that are simply gifs pushing adverts. 30 years ago you would buy your local newspaper for the news and the local adverts but you had the choice to be able to read the news without the adverts flashing at you are suddenly popping up in place of the advert and of course you had no "love your local journalism" guilt banner suddenly blocking the article you were reading.
  18. Its good that we're both in the same club Panz.
  19. I swim in the deep end .. if you have a look here a lot of the fish are flapping around in the shallows.
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