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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Burning Cathedrals

    You love Frank .. you can't shut up about him.
  2. Thank you @King Billy .. it was three years ago almost to the day after carefully considering the matter that I made the decision to vote LEAVE. I told a few "friends" the almost universal response was that I was a racist, a bigot, xenophobe and a nazi and comparisons were made with Himmler, regarding people such as myself who were going to vote LEAVE.
  3. You say that you live in England. Whilst England is a geographical area .. as a former outsider you will be in position to know .. would you say that the "English" still exist?
  4. That might no be very long. What are your honest thoughts regarding the UK leaving the European Union? Lost cause or not for example?
  5. I can't say that there is anything I would "wank over" and the corner is not mumsnet.
  6. Liverpool is one of my favourite places .. there are many grand and beautiful buildings but it does not mean that I like scousers. TBH real liverpudlians are ok .. it the fucking plastic scousers who are real cunts.
  7. Why agree, that gets too lovey dovey .. too many on here are creeping up each other rectums .. I admire Judge, Old Scote and Frank because they take no prisoners.
  8. I don't do re-enactments .. there is a silly civil war re-enactment in Nantwich .. but how can you possibly step back to England as it was 350 years ago?
  9. I thought tht you were a loyalist and knew everything .. you are a fake ulsterman.
  10. @King Billy have you had a listen to these loyalist songs .. they are rather grand and enjoyable.
  11. Miles

    Being English

    What I don't understand is why the Welsh and Scots are not happy to be English too.
  12. Sorry Willy but I can't help but think of you as being like those silly (often brave) cunts that set off to fight for isis and a cause that is long lost and belongs to the past.
  13. Where would we have been without them .. The men behind the wire.
  14. Willy you are an Irishman and should be proud of it. I note that you don't say that you are actually my age or older .. that still puts you as being a silly little cunt at the time who should not have been there (January 1972) Twelve miles from where I sit there is a statue of King Billy and from what I see of that King Billy was a sour faced miserable cunt.
  15. Miles

    Burning Cathedrals

    Could we have more detail please .. I will give you more detail about the injections that I have in my left eye in exchange.
  16. "King Billy" was of course Dutch .. Willem Hendrik
  17. The event took place 47 years ago .. do some simple maths. Of the soldiers the the youngest would have been 18 .. probably more like 20 so now 67 years of age. Of the protesters they were nationalists. The youngest of those protesters should have been around years of age. Had the adults been responsible anyone younger should not have been there. Of any of the non-marchers that were present they regardless of whether they were nationalists or loyalists would have been rabble rousers. Just do not forget that any of the people who were "entitled" to be there .. they well now be at least 65 years of age.
  18. You were not even born when "Bloody Sunday" happened.
  19. Errors were made on that day, the very action of putting paratroopers into what was a civilian demonstration was very bad judgement and this event was a turning point that played straight into hands of the IRA. The reality though is that the people who took the decisions just like McGuiness are long dead. Soldier F will have been a particular type of soldier trained to react in the way that he did. The young lad who died would have been typical of teenagers of that time, probably a little mouthy shit and doubtless the IRA would have encouraged him and his like to be there. I would not call Soldier F a hero. He just happened to be there on the day following orders and reacting in the way he had been trained to in a place where like the lad who died he should not have been. Now almost 50 years later he is being used as a scapegoat. The real irony is that the lad he shot had a choice whether or not to be there whereas he had no choice.
  20. I don't need any help. I am not belittling Eddie's nom. You can't even begin to comprehend that many of these will be men in their mid to late 60s, unlike you they are not warriors behind keyboards .. I doubt whether you are past your late teens You need to stop jumping on bandwagons
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