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Everything posted by Miles

  1. No explaining whatever Billy as I am not a believer .. move along now there is nothing to see.
  2. Its not going to happen Scotty .. you can send me the morphine by post.
  3. Read what I have writ about Jorry Oddoms childhood elsewhere .. three kids to each bed with one sleeping the opposite way around to the others.
  4. Miles

    Liam Adams

    I read Jorry Odomses biography a few years back .. he idolised his mother in spite of the daft bint having about 12 kids who slept three to a bed with two beds in two of the rooms room of a three bed council house. He said that the three to a bed arrangement meant one child in each bed sleeping the opposite way around so that there was always a few toes to suck .. a perfect setup to creat a few pervs.
  5. I am curious about something from back then .. the nationalist catholics seemed to all have at least 14 children. Did they treat some of them like spares just in case a few of them got killed?
  6. That was his Mink stole .. actually a stuffed Otter.
  7. I like her, she should be prime minister.
  8. I will always believe that you thought of it first Cambs.
  9. Some reports mention other Soldier F protests nationwide with up to one million attending nationwide.
  10. I have long suspected that Decco bats for the other side.
  11. Too many cunts here who live in glass houses. I bet that Punky always has the last laugh.
  12. I am retired Decco .. every weeked is a bank holiday weekend and I live by the sea .. are you feeling better?
  13. Are you out enjoying yourself with family and friends again this afternoon?
  14. Words of comfort .. its the thought that counts (and a good bedside manner).
  15. Pointing out whether something is legal or not does not mean that I agree with it .. in my opinion the law has become an ass and has been degraded. For instance religious unlike race belief is a choice, disliking Homos, lesbians tranies etc is not a phobia and within reason say so should not be an offence. There have always been pervy but in reality harmless old (and not so old) men and women. What you parent did was to warn you to avoid them. Commonsense no longer applies. Up to thirty years ag a fence with three strand of wire was all you needed beside a railway line .. if you forced you way through that fence and got injured or killed it was considered to be your own fault. These days cunts force themselves through railway fences or ignore warning signs at public crossings and stations and get injured or killed and Network rail gets prosecuted and fined. Medical staff do their jobs properly and do not always succeed in curing the patient and get sued or even prosecuted "before someone must be to blame". Oddly in legal terms it is never the stupid cunt who ignores basic commonsense rules and gets hurt or killed who gets the the blame.
  16. Scotty needs to see a will before he can help .. my will is under lock and key. Also Ape is clinically depressed.
  17. Budgets are strange things two years after privatisation we received a budget of £15k to refurbish an off and messroom of the accommodation that we were due to move out of three months later. As the building was to be demolished we asked that this budget be moved to the accommodation that we were to bring it up to date. The request was refused and we moved into the "new" rather tatty office and messroom whilst the old accommodation was being refurbished. Three weeks after the work was finished on the old accommodation the building it in was demolished. A month after that we were allocated a £15 budget to upgrade and refurbish our new office and messroom..
  18. I am am told that there are still a few surviving former patients of Dr Shipman who believe that he was a good doctor and never harmed anyone. Bodkin Adams who it is fairly certain sent at least 100 patients to an early grave still retained a loyal client base after he was acquitted but also struck off for who he issued "prescriptions" for over the counter medicines.
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