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Everything posted by Miles

  1. More information please 🤔
  2. Miles

    Wild Justice

    I did see a little bloke about 3' 6" tall who looked like this come out of the place and run like fuck.
  3. Miles

    Wild Justice

    Said hello and farted.
  4. Miles

    Wild Justice

    Infamy, they all had it in for me.
  5. She's married to an A Rab I think.
  6. I used to have a green flag and a red flag and a Bardic handlamp as well .. the latter often used as a weapon of defence.
  7. Miles

    Wild Justice

    First time I've flown in my life apart from the time that I put an Austin Maxi through a fence and on to a miserable old scroat's cabbage patch.
  8. Miles

    Wild Justice

    Old pander has blocked me so I could message him. We used to be friends 😣
  9. Miles

    Wild Justice

    I caught a cheap flight back to the UK after receiving a credible death threat.
  10. Are you caught up in this Gosport opiates thing?
  11. I'm now back in the white sorry west country.
  12. Miles

    Wild Justice

    Packham has had a credible death threats . The two faced cunt should be glad that he did not have dead cows hung from his gate.
  13. I'm sure that I saw him at Birmingham Airport this morning
  14. Looking at the latest photograph of this cunt. Regardless of other issues he looks to be a big fat cunt who needs a bath. I also expect that his socks and underpants stink.
  15. Miles


    Bye for a few days. Got a train to catch in the morning and then a sailing from Holyhead to Dublin.
  16. Miles

    Burning Cathedrals

    I don't seek friends in cyberspace stubby .. how can you be friends with people who are not real?
  17. Miles

    Working class snobs

    But I am more useless than you cos' I can't fucking fly.
  18. Miles

    Working class snobs

    Land mines were deadly.
  19. Miles

    Burning Cathedrals

    I would suggest that a £20 is made for people requesting appointments for trivial day to day illness such as colds and flue etc. A special focus should be also made on discouraging elderly but otherwise healthy people from clogging up waiting rooms and appointments needlessly.
  20. Miles

    Burning Cathedrals

    The NHS actually functions quite well as a on demand medical service. It is far from perfect but it has also meant that o retain some vision and have not suffered or died because of not being able afford insulin. I don't think that they have ever provided free wheelchairs for short term injuries such as yours.
  21. Miles

    Burning Cathedrals

    The leader board is the principle cause of 90% of the shut posts on here. It causes far too many Brown nosing posts that are simply made to generate likes and allow a close clique of otherwise sad and lonely cunts to sniff each other's bottoms and to go crying to teacher when some more deserving cunt gets a place on the board.
  22. Miles


    Carl is your nomination not mine nor does it resemble any nomination that I would post. Could I also request that you do not send me any further PMs.
  23. He's dead for a start and he was too liberal for my liking.
  24. Mind your fucking own business .. this is between me and @Panzerknacker
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