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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles


    You having a good time with your family Ape, or are you curating your baked bean can collection?
  2. Miles


    Except that I don't spot trains.
  3. Miles


  4. Miles


    King Billy and Major Cunt have gone feral.
  5. Miles


    Bay Leaf was the man in charge of the garden in The Herbs I think.
  6. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    According to Alan Sked, emeritus professor of international history at London School of Economics (LSE) and founder of Ukip, the EEC has never been in no position to aid anyone's economy. He wrote: "The EEC spent most of its meagre resources on agriculture and fisheries and had no policies at all for furthering economic growth. "If Europe grew after 1945, growth was kick-started by Ludwig Erhard’s currency and supply-side reforms in West Germany from 1948, which in turn revitalised the economies of the Low Countries." Mr Sked noted that European policy has and had never been beneficial to European growth rates, and if Britain experienced a slow economic performance before the Thatcher revolution than France, Germany and Italy, it was "not because she was a late member of the EEC but was due to high overseas defence spending which led to continuous balance of payments crises". He explained: “West Germany did not have any overseas defence commitments. “Indeed, the money paid into the West German economy by the troops of the British Army of the Rhine actually increased the West German trade surplus and increased the UK trade deficit. “Meanwhile, most of the costs of the French war in Vietnam were paid for by the Americans, who thereafter subsidised French military spending through the US Mutual Defence Assistance Programme. “This turned out to be as costly as the Marshall Plan (c. $ 11 billion over a decade). “EU membership did not impinge on any of this.”
  7. Miles


    Was the owl's name Carl?
  8. Miles


    Is you "rod" a long one?
  9. I am trying to run the battery down on my phone but it is too fast for me.
  10. That's The Black Farmer you old fool. https://www.foodmanufacture.co.uk/Article/2016/08/10/The-Black-Farmer
  11. Miles

    Meghan markle

    Don't rule out Barrack.
  12. Miles

    100 not out!

    Will be quite a party when old Lizz pegs out then.
  13. Henry Vincent's mother said that she could not understand why Richard Osborn-Brooks did not stand to one side like a normal person would do. To her a normal person being her shit bag of gentle giant loving father of a son having broken in someone's house.
  14. That was a fucking meat cleaver.
  15. You heading this way Stubby? There's a bridge by Tiverton Parkway Station .. I can wave at you from it.
  16. Miles

    Ix Willow

    This vegan cunt has been running a petition to stop a school slaughtering some pigs that it is keeping to help show pupils how the food chain works. It claims that the slaughter will traumatise the children .. I say traumatise the pupils and the snowflake vegans https://www.farminguk.com/News/School-which-teaches-meat-production-under-fire-from-activists_51884.html
  17. Miles

    Wild Justice

    Packham is shortly to hold a dogival at his new frorest home, which will result in hundred of dopey cunts turning up each with at least five pooches that will be allowed to run amok across the new forest chasing ponies, cattle, ground nesting birds and whatever else happens to be living on the adjacent heathland. I would shut down very nature programme on the BBC and lock the cunts in a room filled with dozens of of starving cats, dogs and feral children. I would also lock the homes under the hammer and grand design cunts and their ilk in the same room. Perhaps BBC Television neead to go back to being two channels that broadcast between the hours of 1700 and 2330 with the sex appeal being limited to Valerie Singleton and Christopher Trace clones.
  18. Miles

    100 not out!

    North of the Tyne they celebrate Hogmanay .. they have "bairns" as far south as Darlington.. The the cunts on the West side at Carlisle are the onesthat I could never work out. Definitely English at Workington and Maryport. But at Carlisle they are Jimmies.
  19. I do not have an "artistic" search function on my PC.
  20. Paging @Earl of Punkape Paging @Earl of Punkape
  21. It was a fucking accident .. the thick cunt ran into a kitchen knife.
  22. Have not been able to find out what happened to his sidekick Billy Jeeves.
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