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Everything posted by Miles

  1. It will be Billy .. I don't have a cock but I expect that my vagina looks a lot like your mouth.
  2. Be careful that you don't get run down by a train.
  3. 2PM tomorrow .. I will be sitting outside with a G n T.
  4. Do you want to meet me here at 2PM tomorrow?
  5. Its on my forehead .. it vanishes when I close the curtains. Are you in one of those boats in the River Exe off Starcross?
  6. It won't be copy and paste but his hitman will be straight from the pages of wikipedia.
  7. It never happened F'ing Silly just like you your gansta connections. Which 99p ganster books have got got from the works bookshop?
  8. He comes from Holmes Chapel so what can you expect?
  9. The `traditional' work for these sorts has largely been fucked up by DBS checks.
  10. Did anyone else on here know me old mate George Raft?
  11. The oldest cunts on here would not have been old enough to have been `mates of the twins' unless they had shared cells with them. There was another filthy cunt mixed in with them as well as Boothby .. Tom Driberg.
  12. More likely either down at the job centre or at an ATOS assessment.
  13. So bearing mind every cunt except the cabin cat were mates to these cunts .. how the fuck did they get away with it?
  14. Miles

    Bus Wankers

    They woz very good to their mums.
  15. Yes, I noticed that when I looked in tonight .. who was the fat bloke with a beard and a girly voice?
  16. Eric still uses the Nokia that he bought in 1998.
  17. Come on Wizz say something interesting or funny. You can't be miserable all your life even if you come from the US of A.
  18. Staple Hill Just a couple of hours by train from Dawlish and an Abnb room for £50
  19. Miles

    Bus Wankers

    Little Willy is very bitter, ignore him.
  20. I might pay your local pub a visit later Willy.
  21. No .. however you are a stage prop and a fake .. you are deffo not a `live round'.
  22. It would appear that yourself and Little Willy have both run out of charge .. time to plug yourselve into a power socket
  23. In January 2009 he was given an 18-month conditional discharge at Bristol Crown Court, on a charge of possessing live ammunition without a firearms certificate. His defence of not knowing that the single live pistol round was live rather than a stage prop prompted Judge Ticehurst to comment, " It perhaps undermines your street credibility and your stage performance that you cannot distinguish between a real round and a fake round. But perhaps that's not for me to say.".
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