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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Iris Apfel

    Did she have a specially shaped coffin to accommodate those glasses?
  2. @Ape™️'s responses are funny .. make no mistake about that.
  3. Does he come from Houndslow?
  4. "Educated beyond their intelligence" .. it is a privileged class thing .. you also see it in local councils and the civil service where the offspring of senior officials get lower management jobs well above their capabilities.
  5. Judge had a Harley .. did you nick it off him?
  6. Its really an "oh no not again" situation like when the briefly dead Jeff Randal pushed Sidney Crab into the pit of oblivion. Most MPs are less than perfect and most of us know it.
  7. 250 excess deaths per week seems to be a nice and convenient round number .. 13,000 excess deaths per year. Has there been a proper examination of the reasons for these "excess deaths" .. might not some of them occurred because the deathees were at a high risk of death because age, frailness or having engageg in high risk activities? Were successful attempts included or people dying from effects or side effects of alcohol or drug abuse. Have these cases of 95 years old Uncle George or Auntie Emma who might have waited and average time for an ambulance to arrive but died regardless (and actually of old age)? Relatives demanding answers to why a healthy 89 years old died when the answer is obvious to anyone with common sense.
  8. Yes I most certainly have and of the gendered and non-gendered kind .. some emitted fire that could destroy the very soul.
  9. No .. I do the nursing .. back to the original topic of covid .. many people actually had covid without showing any symptoms and thus were unaware that they had it .. had Covid once and certainly had the symptoms and knew about it, but there also a good chance that might also have had it before and after without knowing it because I did not show any symptoms .. it would have been expensive but had we had a system where everyone had been made to have a weekly check we might have found more information about what was actually happening. We have a government that is busily chasing people around for trivial information at great expense when they would have been better using those resources to seek out useful information.
  10. Sentenced to 17 years & nine month and he is 30 years of age so possibly he could be out of prison in around 12 years at the age of 42 .. surely a life sentence would have been appropriate with a 40 year minimum. Regardless hopefully he will be receiving some "back door treatment" from fellow prisoners. Benjamine Webb: Tattoos of paedophile on film led to capture https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-68736264
  11. If I make an appropriate response to this post I will likely get yet another unreadable "Derailment" private message.
  12. Depopulation certainly makes sense here in the UK we can probably sustain a population of around 40 million. An irony with these lands where so many people are living in dire poverty is that most of them have a much lower population density and much richer food growing conditions that we have. Here in the UK we have a high population density with in some areas far too many mostly unoccupied second homes too many cunts crossing the channel .. too many overseas students further increasing the problems with housing locals all putting needless excess pressure on the infrastructure.
  13. Why on Earth are you reading the Toronto Times, are you stalking someone? Rainwater runoff .. storm-water is a major problem in some areas, and someone has to pay for it and that person is all of us. We are now seeing places that were either never flooded or were perhaps flooded once every 70 years being flooded on an annual basis or whenever there is heavy rain. I and few if any other posters here live in Toronto or indeed anywhere outside the UK or Republic of Ireland .. for us in the Uk we have drainage systems that were mostly laid between the late 1800s and the late 1930s with a few updates since then. The population has increased .. people have croncreted over the gardens and driveways in a way that means that instead of soaking away into the ground the rainwater runs off into the street and overwhelmes the street drains that were only intended to drain away the water that falls on the street surface itself. Where I live is on a hillside covered with large villas with large gardens .. cunt are buy this gardens and building little housing estates and feeding their waste water in ro main drains that were never designed to take the huge amount of water from these properties that previously soaked away into the ground where these little des-reses are being built on
  14. Puff the magic dragon lived in Onnerley which is along the A525 between Woore in Shropshire and Madeley in Staffordshire .. I have been to Onnerley but I have never seen a magic dragon there.
  15. Fuckwitted Palestinian women laughing and dancing .. I also remember a Muslim woman screaming with joy when her son killed himself and other people in a suicide bombing.
  16. Poo to you and your kind.
  17. Miles

    Solar panel cunts

    Wiffles has got the same problem but his panels are up his back passage where the sun don't shine.
  18. Miles

    Solar panel cunts

    There is nothing wrong with having solar panels .. I have them on the roof of my house and on the garage and gardens sheds .. I would also like to mount one on your head.
  19. I know nothing of the game of thrones bile.
  20. For you the issue is that you are stereotypical guilt ridden white chancer.
  21. @Ape™️ I have consumed a lot of rice for breakfast it is now expanding in my stomach. I will explode later and my guts will be spread all over Devonshire.
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