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Everything posted by Miles

  1. What exactly is this "daytime television"?
  2. Miles

    Ramadan 2018

    Was reading up what some "scholars say" some insist that the sunrise/sunset where you actually live must be adhered to .. interestingly these scholars seem to all reside in the middle east.
  3. Miles

    Ramadan 2018

    Its not a loophole .. everyone is allowed to make a pig out of themselves at times.
  4. Lets face it @Decimus .. only you and @Wizardsleeve have mouths big enough to gob each other off.
  5. Hey Tim .. are you and Panzer now an item?
  6. I feel your anger Stubby.
  7. Do you have a Perth Oz option?
  8. My money is ion that Andrea Leadbomb woman.
  9. With @Decimusin it with the lid tightly screwed down and superglued just to be sure.
  10. Miles

    Ramadan 2018

    Devote Muslims are currently tormenting themselves because a certain cunt fasted during the daylight hours around 1400 years ago. In the UK and other parts of the Northern hemisphere this fasting often lead to problems that are a risk to safety of others. Now to go back to the prophetable cunt, his fasting was done somewhere in the middle east where the time betreen sunrise and sunset is never more than 14 hours. The reality is that it is not particularly difficult to fast for 14 hours. You can have a nice breakfast of egg, mushrooms, bacon, sausages and chips before daybreak that will carry through nicely to an evening meal of roast ham, black pudding carrots and potatoes, and you could easily manage this for a month so why the fuck are all these dumbos in the temperate and artic zones tormenting themselves? Get fucking real .. The bearded cunt used sunrise and sunset as his guide because he did not have a clock or a fucking watch, but you fucking do .. so why the fuck don't you just do a fucking month of 14 hour fasts like Mohammed fucking did? .. Daft cunts.
  11. I take my @ off to him.
  12. Albert gets a bit worked up .. especially up soldiers.
  13. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-48321738 Outside Broacasting House, London
  14. @Apeif you have blocked me how come you are on this nom?
  15. That does not surprise me and I expect that it was a "real beauty" at that time of the morning.
  16. Green Haurstreaks are bastards to see when they settle on billberry leaves.
  17. He has sold their soul to the French Empire .. banquets in The Central African Republic etc .. Old @Panzerknacker finds the very mention of it uncomfortable, that is the real reason he blocked me 🤣
  18. There is no need for it to rank in you need to know list @Ape possibly battery life and replacement rotors and other part of model helicopters should be on your need to know list, but that really just part of your fairly uninteresting life.
  19. Something else that remainers seem to be fixated on is the idea that 1.4 milion older people have died since the 2016 and similar number of younger voters have replaced them with the implication that the older voters who died would have voted Brexit whilst the new young voters will be remain supporters. The impression I am getting is that these new young voters are more likely to support Brexit. One impression I have of those now dead older voters .. people in the later 70s and older tended to be remainers .. fear of change was their issue. For the new young voters and many in their later 20s the real issue is the difficulty of finding jobs in a situation where many employers are favouring employing people who have travelled a thousand miles or more to get work from countries where our minimum wage is a fortune compare with the minimum of the country that they have come from.
  20. The biggest loonies of all are the Greens .. the very heart and soul of that party should be about local collectivism, fiercely opposed to globalism yet here they are supporting a major player in globalisation (The EU).
  21. Fairly straight forward nine to five hours in Oz I presume?
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