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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Being in a vegetative state I cannot make that decision for myself .. are you a friend of the pope?
  2. Amongst the South West offerings from the Brexit Party is Ann Widdecombe, despite my Labour allegiance I will take gteat pleasure in putting my X against her name.
  3. An interesting case in France and a self cotradictory response by the pope " Before the latest court ruling, Pope Francis had weighed in in favour of keeping Mr Lambert alive. "Let us always safeguard life, God's gift, from its beginning until its natural end. Let us not give in to a throwaway culture," the pontiff said. Surely if nature had been allowed to take its course the man would have died a natural death anyway? https://www.rte.ie/news/world/2019/0521/1050699-resume-of-life-support-ordered-for-frenchman/
  4. @Panzerknacker GOOD!
  5. So you were one of these daft cunts using the mains as an aerial, Very effective method of transmitting locally but causes all kinds of problems for radio users in the area. Some breakers tried the same thing and even on very low power it would swamp radio and tv reception in the immediate area.
  6. Miles

    Tom Allen

    He's a master of warm cheeky standup .. whatever that means.
  7. Miles


    What are tourettes are they young girls who go on coach tours?
  8. Everyone forgets Max Spielmann.
  9. There is also this issue of "harmonics" where the signal interferes with a frequency that is a multiple of the frequency being transmitted on. Its part of the reason for some of those unused frequencies.
  10. I am not sure that a royal signals sergeant active or retired would have been building a transmitter for a bunch of spotty tower block chavs or country bumpkins .. more than likely he would have been telling you to get you hair cut.
  11. In my experience from my CB days the powers that be were remarkably tolerant just so long as you did not cause radio on other frequencies.
  12. Sunrise had a station somewhere in the Malvern Hills in Worcestershire .. I remember a disk jockey from it .. he was a big fat ugly cunt. (a bit like Wizz), I remember the coppers finding him fast asleep pissed as a fart outside the station at Hereford.
  13. It was not a true digital system, there is (or was) encryption but it was still based on analouge technology.
  14. So you have a boot fetish .. does you therapist know about this?
  15. I bet that the inside of your bit fat mouth is hairy Wizz.
  16. The only time that Dec's ever sees a cunt is when he looks in the mirror or does a selfie with his mouth wide open.
  17. It does explain why most of the fat cunts need mobility scooters.
  18. @Stubby Pecker Block him!
  19. Who the fuck is Jeremy Kyle?
  20. I have just been reading about John Amory who was the son of a wealthy politician but none the less until he sold his soul to Nazi German left a trail of unpaid bills in his wake. I do not really differentiate between these cunts and John Amory .. ending their lives by the drop at Wandsworth Prison is a fate that they should share with him.
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