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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Ramadan 2018

    Not sure how many are in the HGV game .. mowing down crowds of innocent passers by apart.
  2. Miles

    Ramadan 2018

    What I am getting at is that most of those pushing for strict adherence to fasting during the hours between sunrise and sunset live in places where those hours are invariably around 13 hours .. an easy period to fast during and to get a full nights sleep with no ill effect. Would these same cunts do so if they had to fast for 18 or 19 hours .. somehow I think that they would change their tune. The other issue is that poorly thought out legislation regarding protection of religious beliefs is preventing medical professions from being able to advise again such practices which have been proven to cause danger to the public .. one example a few years ago was a train driver involved in a derailment at Paddington who was fatigued by the fact that he had been fasting .. the other obvious issues is taxi drivers.
  3. One of the twists is that the inclusion of religious belief (which in truth is [or was} a choice) into legislation protecting people from discrimination on the grounds of race, disability, sexual orientation which is not a choice) has had the double effect of downgrading protection on the three latter grounds and also for many in practice removed the right for those of certain religious faiths of questioning or indeed leaving those faiths and placed them in mortal danger if they do so.
  4. You never see fat Germans do you?
  5. Miles

    Round table

    The daft cunt actually posted on ratty's original nom on 14th May!
  6. Miles

    Round table

    Repeat bollocks .. ratty did this a few months back.
  7. This is the Irish Education Minister .. I wonder why education in Ireland is under crisis? .. @Panzerknacker
  8. Welcome back .. well I will the other Rsoles to work that one out.
  9. I would put the percentage of men who are gay at 1% and those who deny that they are gay at 10%.
  10. So what the fuck is wrong with having a BMI of 103 .. Life is on a roll.
  11. I can see where you are coming from Ratty .. you need to go back there.
  12. Keep sharia out full stop.
  13. I thought that you had fucked off to get out of it .. so why the fuck don't you stay out of it?
  14. This comment is somewhat ironic. Have you ever taken the trouble to find out what Farage actually say's, rather that what the media and other say that he say's .. I first took the trouble to actually watch him in action a few weeks ago .. he is not Hitler or Oswald Moseley reborn .. whilst I don't agree with much of what he say's he seems to be a quite tolerant individual .. more tolerant than these lactose throwers for example and their supporters for example. I am of the hard left, however like many other people of the real left I do recognise that we do have a problem with immigration and some people who have moved to this country who have hijacked the labour party and introduced to it something that is totally alien to our culture .. women walking around with their and trying to pass it off as some expression of freedom along with hysterical harpies betraying what the sufragettes fought for 100 years ago by saying that the burqua is liberating. Militant Islam simply has no place in the UK .. it not about us refusing to tolerate them .. it is about them refusing to tolerate our culture.
  15. Cool .. are you a nebula @Ape?
  16. So Mrs May looks to be going to offer another Brexit referendum to get her deal through .. make sure you get your vote right this time.
  17. I suspect that Baws has got a bit of a statistic streak in him.
  18. I have received a leaflet saying that only the conservatives can deliver brexit.
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