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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Edward Heath

    Noticed a guest reading this nom .. something not mentioned on here was a sort of cover up where there were efforts to imply that he had a relationship with Olivia De Havilland at time when rumours of him being a cock handler were circulating. Interestingly Olivia De Haviland is still alive at 102 years of age .. I wonder what tales she could tell?
  2. This cunt (Kit Malthouse) is being prepared by the tory top brass. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9165263/kit-malthouse-tory-leadership-race/
  3. I suspect that there is more to this than meets the eye. Kit Malthouse has all the credentials for a nice neutral looking grey candidate able to please everyone being prepared by the party and in a very safe seat with a 23,000 + plus majority. This is one to watch to see if senior Tories start publically grooming him. How many had heard of John Major?
  4. There can only possibly be one winner
  5. I swallowed my pride and principles and voted Brexit party. The trouble is that many other leavers from the left voted Green because they could not stomach voting for Farage ..the political analists will see them as being remainers.
  6. You lot won't so cheeky when Esther McVey is prime minister.
  7. No ... your's and mine would add to the total
  8. Brilliant two words from Punky can generate about 70 words from a couple of saddos.
  9. Having been a staff rep for a few years I know the meaning of duplicitous .. according to the management I was a millitant commie bastard, according to the folks I represented I was in the managements pocket.
  10. Miles


    Any I must go .. me and my dear little friend are going to Plymouth today .. Byeeeee!!!!!
  11. Miles


    I would loved to have ignored the blockers but when you have a sidebar that shows what they have posted and several of them fixated with mentioning me on every other post and of accusing me of using multi logins, it is impossible for any reasonable person not to respond. When I logged out last night almost instantly there were "two" posters discussing me in a way that I have only ever seen done of the pisstazza attempts at the rerun of SOC which are of which I need to say nothing other than all the "posters" have identical ip addresses. I will repeat what I have said before. I have only one login here and in practical terms for me were I to attempt to set a multi up here it would be spotted almost instantly by the admins. However for some with extra telephone lines and service provider (business lines etc) that might be possible.
  12. Miles

    Spit or Swallow?

    Could I just join the club and tell you to get fucked you boring loser?
  13. Miles

    Spit or Swallow?

    I only have one login here as you well know Scotty or is it Billy? After a little research it appears that you have left your mark elsewhere .. Border might be a word that means something to you.
  14. I have just one id Judge .. I have no front.
  15. A message to folk in general here. I do not use multis on this forum and I would like the person who accuse me of using multis to please desist. I do not wish to be drawn into this and will now log out.
  16. Miles

    Spit or Swallow?

    I twigged who you were on your previous id last year.
  17. Miles

    Spit or Swallow?

    I will politely ask Scotty why you have this fixation me using multis?
  18. Miles

    Spit or Swallow?

    Have you been hiding in the secret nuclear bunker?
  19. Miles

    Spit or Swallow?

    You are a GP from the Portsmouth area.
  20. Miles

    Spit or Swallow?

    You are rather fond of that trick Scotty or is it Pussy Galore?
  21. I also hate these those people who always want to sneak in a mention of some celebrity that they know personally .. I was only just saying the same thing to my good friend Rod Stewart yesterday.
  22. Have you ever stopped for a blow-up?
  23. Have you ever piloted anyone up Shap or the Lickey?
  24. Miles

    Sneezing Cunts

    I am not a violent person .. I usually go and thank them for spreading their germs .. I often do similar to people who talk loudly on their mobile phones and thank them for the vairious number that they have quoted throughout the call.
  25. I hope that you don't mind me asking but .. but what time do you land?
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