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Everything posted by Miles

  1. How do you know .. it might have sight feed lubricator.
  2. Have you ever had a jab at one of these yummy mummys Panzs?
  3. I wonder what Russell Hobbs looked like?
  4. Bullshit .. it an inconvenient although democratically elected president of the USA here in connection with 75th anniversary commemorations of the Normandy landing in which during which a large number of American servicemen died. It is quite likely that in 2044 (100 years after the Normandy Landings) another President of the USA will visit the UK for exactly the same reason as the Trump visit. No doubt this is your real hero.
  5. Miles

    Marcus Ball

    No .. he doesn't even have the level of awareness that he would need to tell you to fuck off.
  6. Miles

    Marcus Ball

    I suspect that he may have been into quite a few dives.
  7. Miles

    Marcus Ball

    The NHS is not a busted flush .. it has simply expanded into areas that are not really within its remit. What should be taken out of its remit are things that are the result of choice and recklessness these are what should be covered by personal and third party insurance with the NHS empowered to recover the costs. Also perhaps we need to look at the elderly continuing to be required pay NHS contributions.
  8. It is time that you and Eric along with your respective sock puppet entourages gave it a fucking rest, and don't drag me into it.
  9. Sadick Khan should have a good fucking .. whilst he has a right to have his own opinion about the Trump, he is the Mayor London and duty should always come above personal opinion The same also applies to Jeremy the Weasel.
  10. Yes .. that's her on the right .. the real Donald is wearing the sunglasses.
  11. Miles

    Marcus Ball

    I have an old friend (quite a lot younger than me), at 58 he has got an early onset form of Alzheimers, he has not known who he is for at least three years, he is nothing more than an empty husk. The pressure of looking after him killed his wife two years ago. He is in a long term care home. His daughter stopped visiting him last year, as she said he has been dead to her since her mother. died. To most of the people where he is Dr Shipman would have offered the kindest and most humane possible treatment.
  12. The World's Greatest Cunt President is due to land at Stansted at 0900 hours.
  13. Are you "well hung" Ratty?
  14. Lass, where I was brung up depending upon which side of the street you lived Granada or ATV midland was the channel you watched .. on ATV you had the "Ansells Bitter man" advert, on Granada you had the "Tetley Bitter man" ad .. both with identical music and with same background save the banner either showing Ansells or Tetley. The best part was that in village where I was brung up you could only get Burtons or Marstons. The only Tetleys you could get were teabags in a blue box.
  15. Miles

    Marcus Ball

    We had an NHS 25 years before we joined the then EEC, it would appear that the NHS is gradually being sold off regardless of whether or not we remain in the EU. It is simply down to affordability, the harsh truth is that treatments and survivabilty have increased drastically but with issue that many of the people who survive longer need very expensive life long treatments, and in many cases facing lives that are not worth living. The other problem is that if a treatment fails the NHS is often sued with the NHS often ending up paying £millions in damages. The harsh truth that we cannot afford the NHS as it is now. Should the NHS be funding the costs of drug abuse? Sporting injuries? Reckless activities such as tombstoning, fighting, getting piss up, Reckless driving the list goes on and not forgetting old scroats and others who call the doctor every time they sneeze.
  16. I once saw the little cunt waiting for a train at Crewe .. he looked to be about 4' 6" tall.
  17. Miles


    We had a similar bad experience .. we took a slip road that we had not seen before and when we got on to the motorway some cunt stopped us and told us that we had to get out of the car and push it. It took us hours to get to the pay booth and we were sweating like fuck, and when I asked the attendant about it and complained he said that we were on the M6 Toil Road.
  18. Miles

    Marcus Ball

    Marcus Ball is a typical example of the the real reason that Brexit is so divisive, the cunts who are driving that divisiveness are the remoaners themselves. Instead of accepting that vote and saying we do not agree with it but istead saying "lets make the best of things", they have done everything possible to polarise things and tear the country apart. Boris had little if any influence on the result.
  19. Miles

    Marcus Ball

    I could not get any further back than he was from Norfolk. Is there any other meat on the bones?
  20. Miles

    Marcus Ball

    The £350 million a week claim was inept at best but what these Marcus dumbfucks and their ilk are failing (or refusing) to comprehend is that it probably had zero effect on the vote as people had already decided which way they would vote based on their own experiences.
  21. Don't forget the J. Edgar Hoovers Witnesses.
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