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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Things are looking too good for me @Ape™️ .. the neighbour's daughter who is a nurse has asked "how long have I got?".
  2. Your delivery is poor and, you are a dismal failure .. I will not ask you to kill yourself .. others can do for you that without my help.
  3. Miles


    Keep your fucking nose out.
  4. Miles


    If @Cunty BigBollox or @Cuntybaws had posted that, that might have been sightly amusing, but your delivery is all wrong. Other than advising you to stick to having "pretend" inside information on notorious murder cases it is difficult assist you in your self improvement.
  5. Normally I would tell the Daily Scum Mail to fuck off, but in this case I think that it is right that after he finishes his gaol sentence he is fucked off back to Germany to do his protesting. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12144097/German-Just-Stop-Oil-protester-scaled-Dartford-Crossing-bridge-faces-deportation.html
  6. Miles


    Mind your own fucking business .. I asked ape not you! 😡😠😡
  7. I did notice the high forehead .. perhaps he he is clever but a low achiever and is bitter.
  8. Miles


    @ape .. I have had a text message from my GP saying that I have got kidney problems .. could you please give me some kind word of comfort?
  9. I am not sure which week but this ugly twat us certainly a cunt and he looks more like 93 than 53. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-68838349 Somerset man jailed after shining laser at passenger plane
  10. Miles


    Good Night
  11. Surely in @Wolfie's case it would be RAM rather than insert?
  12. Good Evening @Wolfie mate! Are you feeling better?
  13. Miles


    True organic farming cannot be vegan.
  14. Miles


    We are all animals.. even Ape is an animal.
  15. Miles


    I used to have some sympathy for PETA's (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) ideals .. however they seem to have turned into pure VEGAN cunts rather than following real ethics which are really humans becoming more tuned to how the natural world actually works. Humans are basically an omnivore species with a requirement to include some meat and plant materials in their diet which means that eating some animals is ethical. The real issue is that we do not to eat meat from animals that have been bred to be greatly different from their wild ancestors or with features that make their lives unpleasant. The same applies with pets .. in a truly ethical world no animal should be bred to look pretty, to have distorted features to satisfy the vanity of feeble minded people, it is all animal abuse and cruelty .. animals should be free to lead as natural live as possible. As to vegan meat alternatives they are all artificially processed ingredients that cause environmental damage and ironically threaten plant eating animals. HUMANS are cunts. PETA are cruel and inhuman cunts.
  16. It is everyone's civil right to wash their car how they wish.
  17. Do as Frank tells you .. show him some respect .. he is the best on here.
  18. Hell was full from the day that religion was invented.
  19. 40 50, 60 years ago most pets would be uninsured .. if you cat or dog was ill you would but a packet of some patent remedy, if you dog or cat got run over or had broken limbs the usual remedy was to "put it out of its misery" ie. euthanise it. Most people who lived next to very busy roads would not have a dog or cat and of course few people would have more than one dog or cat .. childrens pets would something kept in a cage or hut .. rabbit, guinea hamster, mouse etc again there would be no thought of insurance .. most puppies or kittens would drowned straight after birth. Yes pet insurance is a racket but the biggest cunts are the stupid owners often paying huge sums to keep crippled dogs and cats alive and in pain from ailments such as extreme old age, kidney failure etc. If a vet who should know better chooses to fleece them then they deserve fleecing .. now don't get me started re "therapy "pets". Animal lovers my arse!
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