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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Nottingham attacks: Mum’s trauma over police WhatsApp message https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-68886331 The police officers are cunts for using social media to discuss it between themselves but sadly such job to make people insensitive to how they discuss such matters between themselves. The BBC are also shit-stirring utter cunts for reporting it. I remember some words from a rhyme .."MY SISTER WORKED IN A FACTORY CALMLY DE-GUTTING PEARS, SHE HAD TWO LOVELY CHILDREN CALLED DOROTHY AND CLEM, THEY'RE HANGING HER TOMORROW FOR CALMLY DE-GUTTING THEM.".
  2. Does his cock emit radio waves .. Jodrell Bank is a radio telescope.
  3. A microscope attachment might also be required.
  4. Very different .. Punkape was far too upmarket for this place.
  5. You never met Punkape did you?
  6. The first Iceland store was in Oswestry. .. how about that?
  7. @Wolfie Your* an idiot.
  8. Its someone who watches the night .. simples.
  9. My warning point was for insulting punk ape
  10. @entitled little cunt is more of a man than you will ever be .. stick you pretend one year old Bentley up your arse.
  11. Fill that with helium and he could rise to heaven.
  12. There are far worse cunts than Beckham .. cunts that are "worth" near $100billion" musk for example along with social media "moguls .. there are hedge fund cunts scamming the public for many "billions and returning nothing back to public funding and of course most of them are tax dodgers who are also poisoning the publlc perception what taxes are for and forcing the rest of us to pay more tax than we should be paying. In the context of this David Beckham is not much of a cunt. It might better to nuke the tiny island tax havens like the Isle of man and The Channels Island along with the mega scamming cUntry Switzerland.
  13. It is no longer an "Hey Huw!" situation as he has resigned from the BBC .. may we all wish him a long and happy retirement?
  14. Please explain why you are bringing My Struggle into this?
  15. He is more likely to have pulled it out of an empty crisp packet.
  16. Lets be sensible about this and give him his due.
  17. I don't what you to annoy @Ape™️ as if thing are really bad I want him to read the eulogy for me.
  18. The locally brewed ale is better in Hadell Wroxted.
  19. I certainly do have feelings .. I am currently suffering from the most intense and cruel pain that you can imagine. I ventured out of the house barefoot and notice that Norman the gnome who sits in the middle of my not so neatly manicured lawn was surrounded by discarded Thatchers cider cans. As I stepped on to the lawn I stubbed my left toe and went flying .. a neigbour from over the road heard my screams and came to my aid. He asked me if I had heard the noise in the night (which I not) and then informed me that the police had arrested three revellers who gone along the road at 0300 climbing over parked cars and throwing empty drink cans everywhere. He kindly assisted me back into my house and made me a cup coffee. I am currently still in intense pains and consindering whether not to end it all. .. On the positive .. my neigbour has put the cider cans in the recycling bin and put Norman back in his proper place.
  20. I have never been a teacher however I have been an instructor. Would you like some instructions?
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