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Everything posted by Miles

  1. A heart warming story in this cruel world https://news.sky.com/story/money-latest-manifestation-personal-finance-mortgages-sky-news-blog-13040934
  2. One day they might be able to cure everything including @King Billy although I hope he dies from covid before that happens.
  3. After effect of covid injections? @King Billy will know.
  4. Have you been having sex with @Wolfie or are you just stewed on white lightening in your council bungalow?
  5. Take no notice of the silly cunts .. none of them have been to Lan Dud No or Lan Gol Len.
  6. Miles


    Any thoughts on Torrette's Syndrome? fatguts.
  7. Miles


    There is nothing wrong with @Ape™️, he is a very good friend of mine.
  8. He chucked me out of the shop when I asked him if he had any big rubber "O" rings.
  9. Miles


    I remember a gentleman with a stammer who applied for a management job based at Llandudno Junction .. when was asked if he could speak Welsh he replied .. "Fucking Welsh! I've got a F-f-fucking job sp-speaking English!". He did not get the job .. these days of course it w-would be d-different.
  10. I asked the man in the shop "Have you got any Bulldog clips?" He replied "No, but I've got a nice video of a Jack Russell".
  11. As said I don't have a meter .. I had it by-passed and chucked it in the bin.
  12. I don't have a gas meter.
  13. Paging @PANZER MURPHY! Paging @PANZER MURPHY! https://news.sky.com/story/rwanda-bill-causing-migrants-to-opt-for-ireland-deputy-pm-says-13123078
  14. The puzzle with Decs is that whilst I know that some simpletons can be taught to read and write .. how on earth did they manage it with Decs?
  15. The pupil of my left eye can be very angry when the eye is about to be injected.
  16. But this time it was in Cymru so does it matter? I will leave @Wolfie to "bleat" about your spelling.
  17. It is Huwsless him trying to get his old job back.
  18. I am willing to have a stab at it.
  19. Pull "his/her" knickers down first if she is post op give her what she wants .. if you are a superstud she might even give you £20
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