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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Like him or not @Roadkill is one of the most honest and honourable posters on here.
  2. That is where you are wrong .. very wrong.
  3. I don't want to stir things but ELC is at the top of the leader board and he does draw a lot of responses to his posts.
  4. Your nom. is rather jumbled up and rambling but regardless the message is a good one. The thing the BBC and much of the media is missing is that they are creating a world that is hostile to what is different regardless of whether that difference is right or wrong .. often there is nothing wrong with something being different. The problem is that they are ramming it down our throats, what "Dave" does in his spare time is his own business and most would prefer that he would keep it to himself. Most of what they are trying to make us think is normal has actually gone on behind closed doors or at least not pushed in our faces .. my guess is that the true percentage of gays in the population is less than 1%, It might be higher in Emmerdale, Walford, Coronation Street or Ramsey Street but then a lot of actors and scriptwriters are benders and know that sadfucks like nothing to live for like whinging about about it.
  5. You really are one very sad unemployed and unemployable waister. In 2041 I am likely to be long deceased .. you have spent almost four years pretending to be an Afro-Carribean of first pure English descent then of Anglo-Dutch or whatever .. for fucks sake make up your fucking mind who and what you are .. instead of smoking, shorting or injecting whatever you using, why not try sticking it up you back passage? Or simply go and get a job or do something useful with your life.
  6. Who is representing the UK .. is it Ronny Carol or Cathy Kirby?
  7. That's modern Rolls Royce branded cars .. Bentley is owned by VW.
  8. It sounds like a cock & bull tale to me.
  9. You can catch the Number 22 from Dawlish Green.
  10. I am off to bed now.
  11. She looks to be a raver, I bet that you would if you had a chance.
  12. He was just an entertainer .. perhaps he was good at his job but lots of cunts are or were good at their job, but they don't get accolades .. imagine if you were a brilliant estate .. good at your job and the best in the world you would still be called a cunt. Lennon & McCartney were good at their job, but they were still complete and utter cunts,
  13. It is not about Yoko, it is not even about Lennon .. it is about that message from 55 years ago. As true then and as true now.
  14. My time may be limited .. I would like people kiss and make up and learn to love each other.
  15. There is also a version with a smiling woman .. like this one here she looks brainwashed .. I rather doubt that @Ape™️ is brainwashed .. it might just be that he is getting under your skin lol Fuck Off.
  16. All sorts of very "clever" sorts are falling for these scams including university professors and even accountants who are often scammed out of tens (and sometime hundreds) of thousands of £s. You have also got messages form "paypal" usually from obvious false email addresses that ask you to confirm your account .. there have been suggestions that some of them originate from North Korea and that that criminal state is raising significant funds that way.
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