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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Could I remind you that in 21st century ENGLAND the spelling is criticised .. stick your zee up your arse.
  2. Before I go I think that bus they blew up was some variety of ALX400 rather than a Routemaster.
  3. @ChildeHarold Again, like ELC are making me sleepy .. I wish you well but you posts are damaging my eye so I am giving you the ELC treatment.
  4. Sorry ELC, I wish you no harm, however I am getting dragged into arguments that have nothing to do with me and make me sleepy so I have placed you in the ignore list.
  5. If you are yawning the best thing to do is go to bed you dummkopf. Restructure your life and get away from what is causing your problems .. perhaps taking a long walk towards Yarmouth and keep going when you get there.
  6. Have you not been to Sidmouth?
  7. @ape .. what are your thoughts about these dozy cunts who ride around with their bicycle seats too low?
  8. No its not Frank .. its you looking at your reflection.
  9. Probably several hundred times a day in Pakistan .. have you ever been to Burnley?
  10. You do need to calm down .. perhaps a soothing song will help you
  11. Weasels are ok .. they are not in the least bit weaselly.
  12. Perhaps he likes to rag people up. I am off out to point my camera at bees and butterflies, I will leave you in charge.
  13. Write down the names of all those who you think are in the clique .. add the numbers together, then write down the names of those that you think are not in the clique and add those numbers together .. I am sure that you will find that you will find that the non cliquies outnumber the cliquies. Oh it is perceived .. remember "i before e except after c", I hope that helps.
  14. @entitled little cunt and @ChildeHarold you both need to get it into your thick skulls that this is not the place for a serious debate. It is like standing in the middle lane of the M6 and no matter whether you wave your arms or squeal and shout unless you get clear you will be hit by some cunt coming at you at 90mph.
  15. Hmmmm I should have put my glasses on before I read this.
  16. What the fuck has this got to do with me?
  17. He was actually a innovative farmer from some 300 years ago .. are you not Living In The Past?
  18. It does not look like either the existing policy is working or any of the proposed alternatives will work .. perhaps closing down the charities that are supporting them when they arrives and perhaps acquiring a few more Bibby Stockholm type barges to accommodate them but this time mooring the barges several miles offshore .. maybe we should also load the likes of the protesters that have attempted to prevent them from being removed with them.
  19. Donatella sounds like what a Cheshire housewife say's to her mate after sharing some gossip about another woman.
  20. I would leave the shit out of it as it might dilute the bleach.
  21. That was the policy of one cunt I worked with .. the trouble was that you could still smell the cunt who had been wearing it when he died.
  22. He might make you drink bleach.
  23. There do seem to be few humourless cunts here who need to find something useful to with their lives I wonder who they would pick of if ELC and Childie were not around and I wonder who they picked on before they came here.
  24. I switched the Telly on for a few minute and must have flicked through 40 channels .. it was all complete and utter bile bar I caught the tail end of one of the Linda Thorson Avengers episodes .. I would have watched it right through if I had switched telly on at the start. Everything else looked to either mind destroying crap or intended to make people foam at the mouth.
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