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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Have you had another bad day @Ape™️?
  2. Poor JUDGE I miss him 😭
  3. Miles

    Senna 30 years

    You awake @Ape™️?
  4. I would settle for him to self immolate.
  5. What was frustrating back in the early 2000s was that the young folk from Poland were arriving here and seemed to be taking all these minimum wage shelt stacking vacancies that would previous have typically gone to a partially deaf and diabetic 50 something who could booste their income by taking their works pension early.rather than skiving on incapasity benefit and DLA.
  6. Miles

    London celebrates

    I agree with your assessment of @Old Chap Raasclaat here.
  7. A very typical number crunching accountants response .. knowing the monetary price of everything and the value of nothing. There are countries with several times the UK population with little or no global influence and countries with a quarter or less of the UK population with equal the global influence that the UK has.
  8. Miles


    Wouldn't it be kinder to preserve them in clear resin and place them in a museum where schoolkids could gawp at them for all eternity?
  9. @peglegtwo is a cunt.
  10. Are you OK @Snowy or do you need me to call your GP?
  11. I have been watching Paula Vennells squirming .. I did wonder whether she was a frustrated virgin but it turns out that she is married with two adult sons.
  12. What galls me is the sheer stupidity of the owners who have not had their animals euthanised ,, there are other breeds that also concern me where their owners are physically feeble but insist on on owner big powerful dogs that they would be unable to control if it went maverick.
  13. Go away .. you're barking.
  14. I think that all dogs should be licenced with the would be owners asked why they wish to own one of the "dangerous" breeds .. the "Groucho Marx rule" should apply in such cases and any wishing to own one of these breeds should be banned from owning any breed of dog.
  15. Somewhere I have a a book from the 1950s called "The Dogs Ear Book" I stole that one from a cartoon in the book.
  16. Miles


    I had a wedge Princess .. it was easy to get my huge cock and balls into it.
  17. Miles

    Senna 30 years

    I have got very bad constipation .. is there anywhere I can get a ringpull for my arse?
  18. It loved small children to bits
  19. Miles


    Its been a year old Bentley since you bought it in 2007.
  20. Miles


    What about @Ape™️?
  21. Beyer Peacock built the Hymeks and the Class 82s.
  22. Miles


    The Tories will win by a landslide.
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