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Everything posted by Miles

  1. I am liking the cut of your jib Snipe .. harsh but likely to be true .. did little Lucy go to church?
  2. Looking less likely as there is more evidence against her being reported by the media.
  3. Your trouble H is that you care.
  4. https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/fuck-meter-idgaf-dont-give-a-fuck-no-fucks-given-negative-fucks-gif-16618157
  5. He could liven it up by jumping off that viaduct.
  6. It matter not what you or I think .. what matters is what the American voters think.
  7. Alfie Noakes would have been a brilliant PM.
  8. The sad thing is that whilst I have not got a cock or balls I have still got more than @Decimus has.
  9. @Decimus is Colin the Caterpillar. ( Caterpillars don't fuck by the way they are simply the larval stages of Butterflies, Moths, Sawflies and Raging Puffs.).
  10. So you are a self confessed little dogger .. is your name Granville?
  11. LOL that is so FUNNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Fuck yourself off this nom. has got fuck all to do with you, you crack addled cock fancier, stay off my nominations.
  13. In his mouth or up his arse .. it doesn't matter where .. shit comes out of both places.
  14. Climb back into your bin bag you horrid little gimp I bet you love the feel of that plastic against your hairless skin..
  15. Humans are mammals .. are you a bird? You are certainly cock sure of yourself and cackle on like a parrot with a sweary owner.
  16. As of December 2018 the largest known prime number is a Mersenne prime with 24,862,048 decimal digits.
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